💥💥 Date with Lord Explosion Murder Dynamite 💥💥

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You had to get up early to meet Bakugo at the train station on Sunday, but you didn't mind the early hour at all because the excitement of Disneyland overwhelmed any sleepiness that you would have felt from lack of sleep. You got to the station first and fiddled with the hem of your skirt and brushed your clothes down to make sure everything looked good. 

Bakugo came up the path and smirked before saying, "You ready?" He took your hand as you followed him into the train.

You had to spend a couple of hours on a few trains, but you didn't mind because you had good company. For the most part you just kept to yourselves, but he did bark at some random guy who was ogling you. Part of you was slightly embarrassed, but for the most part you felt happy that he cared and stuck up for you. 

As you walked through the turnstiles into the park you felt excited as you looked around trying to take everything in. "What do you think?" Bakugo said as he placed his hand around your waist and pulled you closer. 

"It's amazing," you said and brightly smiled at him which he surprisingly returned.

Waiting in line was actually enjoyable, especially when he held you in his arms and rested his chin on your head. You were close enough that you could feel his heartbeat and the warmth radiating off of his chest. You were enjoying it so much you were actually a tiny bit disappointed when you got to the front of the line and piled into teacup together.

You hopped in line for the haunted mansion and were standing behind a few small kids

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You hopped in line for the haunted mansion and were standing behind a few small kids. They seemed to recognize Bakugo from the Sports Festival and he seemed to appreciate that they knew who he was. "He seems better with little kids than our classmates," you thought. "You like kids?" you asked out loud.

"Yeah, I guess. When they arent being fucking annoying."

"Who knew the great Katsuki Bakugo would have a soft spot for children," you said as you nudged him slightly.

"Hey! I didn't say that!" He continued, "I mean I'm sure I will like my own kids, but most of these kids are probably shitheads when they are at home." 

"You planning on having kids then?" you asked, genuinely wanting to know the answer. 

"Fuck yeah," he said and slightly puffed out his chest as he added, "I need to pass on this quirk to at least 6 kids." 

6 kids?!?!

"Of course you would think so highly of yourself that you would want half a dozen kids," you teased.

He chuckled. "What about you?" He asked, looking down at you.

"I'd like a couple of kids," you said. "Maybe a girl and a boy."

He took in your comment and said, "I'm sure you would want more after you see how cute our kids would be."

OMG! Is he actually thinking that far in the future? Is he confessing to me that he likes me? Where did that come from?

"Well any kid of yours would be adorable, Katsuki," you said tapping him on his nose, and you actually meant it. He was after all one of the hottest guys at UA. 

You finally got to the front of the line and piled into the buggy that carried you into the ride. You snuggled into him, partially to protect you from the "haunts" and partly because you just wanted to take in his scent and warmth. 

Today had been one of the best days in your life and the more time you spent with Bakugo, the more you saw a completely different side to him that would pop out once in a while. Sure, you had thought of Shinso a couple of times throughout the day, but Bakugo was very good at giving you all of his attention so your mind didn't wander often. 

"Can I talk to you about something?" He said as you were headed home on the trains. 

"Yeah, anything," you said looking at him.

"I know that there might be something going on with you and Shinso and you probably have some hard choices to make in the coming weeks," he said. "But I just wanted to let you know that I intend to win your heart. I really like you, y/n." 

Your heart was racing and you were sure that Bakugo could feel it since you were sitting so close. "I like you too, Katsuki," you said, and you meant it. 

He walked you home from the train station since it was dark out by that time. As you two stood outside of your front door, you could feel that he was going to kiss you again. You thought to yourself about how Bakugo's kiss actually mirrored his personality in many ways. He was very confident and seemed to know exactly what he and you wanted. But there was also a softness to him inside and it made you feel protected and safe. The boy definitely knew what he was doing as you melted into his arms, dizzy with euphoria.

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