Two is Better Than One part 2

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I think their change in behavior has something to do with them sleeping and my quirk. That has to be it, right?

So many questions came to mind. Can I control anyone? Is there a limit to what I can make them do? Do they know that they are being controlled?

You knew it was going to take time to figure out the answers to all of these questions. But in the meantime you decided to enjoy the benefits of not having to choose.


It has been a couple of months since you were released from the hospital. In that time you figured out a few things.

1: It works on anyone that you can have direct skin contact with. (Sorry Gojo fans, it won't work on him because of his infinity technique) You figured this out when you tested it on your Aunt Hiake. There is no way she would have normally allowed both boys to stay the night in your room with the door closed. But you tested it out one day when you saw her napping while watching the television.

2. The effects always wore off as soon as they fell asleep again. It was almost like a reset button that wiped the previous save file. So if you wanted something to be long term, you would have to make sure you repeated the process everytime they went to sleep.

3. It seemed to affect their emotions as well. You weren't quite sure how this one worked. But they would put aside their own feelings and follow what you wanted them to do. Bakugo and Shinso both seemed to want to be in a relationship with all three of you at once, and they seemed happy with the choice.

4. They had no clue that anyone was in control of them. There was never a single sign that they knew they were being controlled, even when questioned by other people about their odd behavior.

5. It worked better when you kept the commands more general. One time you made the mistake of asking for something very precise and your Aunt ended up being agited because she was unable to complete what you asked of her. She didn't calm down until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

6. It seemed that if someone were given the same command over time, they eventually started to think that way without you using Control. There had been a couple of times when you weren't able to use your quirk with Bakugo or Shinso. But over time they seemed to be more accepting of the situation even if you weren't able to use it every single day.

7. You weren't sure on the limits of what they would do. But you assumed it was similar to hypnosis and they wouldn't do something that was against their core values, like murder someone.

You tried to keep things as simple as possible when you were using your quirk and had a daily routine that you tried to follow each day. Most nights, both boys would fall asleep at your house and you used your quirk before falling asleep yourself. There were a few times when you fell asleep first or they had to stay the night at their own house. Sometimes you were able to will yourself awake in the middle of the night or wake before them in the morning. A few times you set your alarm ridiculously early and snuck over to their house to use your quirk under the guise that you were just being a good girlfriend who was "waking them up". There were also a few days when you couldn't get to them at all. They were a little more irritable about the situation on these days, but as time went on they accepted it more and more even when you weren't able to use your quirk.

As far as your relationship went, you just kind of took it day by day to see where things went naturally.


It was fairly normal for you to all three walk home together from school. Even when Shinso had lessons with Aizawa after school, you took the time to train with Bakugo so that you could all go home together. There were also a few times when you wanted to hang with your girls after school, so you would meet up with the boys afterwards or sometimes even the next day.

"Okay spill," Mina said one day after school. "What is going on with this whole Shinso/Bakugo thing?"

"Ummm....," you stalled, not knowing what to say.

"I thought you had to make a choice between the two?"

"We decided that the three of us together was working for now," you said, feeling slightly guilty because you knew it wasn't completely the choice of either boy.

"So how does that work exactly?" She questioned and then whispered into your ear, "and what happens when they want to do.....more?"

"Well we havent exactly gotten to that point yet," you answered. It was something that you hadn't really thought about until very recently. Eventually one or both would want to take things to the next level.

A/n: Reminder that you haven't gone beyond kissing with either one at this point because the story resumed after your accident.

"Well you might want to think about that, because I see the looks those boys give you." Just then Mina grabbed your hand, and ran through the hallway dragging you behind her, "Let's go to the arcade before everyone else goes and it gets too crowded."

It was nice spending the afternoon with Mina and a few of the other girls from class and let loose a little. But her question kept popping up in your head. What am I going to do?


"Can I get some alone time with you today after school?" Bakugo said to you one day during lunch. Shinso raised his eyebrow at the question. You have had alone moments with the boys several times since your accident, but the fact that Bakugo was asking made it sound like there was definitely a different intention.

"I'd like some alone time too," Shinso added.

"Uhhhh..." You felt yourself sinking slowly down under the table trying to hide so that you wouldn't have to make this choice. "Can we talk about this after school?"

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