💜💜 Date with the Indigo Haired Boy 💜💜

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Are you free next Saturday?


Yeah. Did you want to do something?


Yeah, I'd like to take you out someplace special.


Where to?


It's a surprise.

All week long you were consumed with the thoughts of where Shinso was going to take you. You kept hoping that he would just tell you.



Sure you don't want to tell me where we are going on our date ?


Nope. It's a surprise.



How about a hint?


Sorry, no hints.



Can I know now? I won't know what I need to wear. What if I wear the wrong thing?


Still not going to tell you. Just wear something that you can walk around in.


Well that doesn't help me figure out what we are doing.


Haha. You'll find out tomorrow after I pick you up in the morning.

° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

You were finishing up getting ready when you heard Shinso knock at the door. You opened it up and saw him standing there with a slight smile on his face. "You ready?"

He took you by the hand and you followed him out, curious to see where he was going to take you

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He took you by the hand and you followed him out, curious to see where he was going to take you. After about 30 minutes on the train, you arrived at your stop.

You were standing in front of the aquarium that you had been dying to go to for 6 months. You weren't even sure if you had told anyone about wanting to go there, so that fact that he picked this of all places made you so happy. He definitely knows me.

You didn't realize how huge the aquarium was until you went inside and it seemed to encase you from all directions.

"I think you will love this," Shinso said and he took your hand and drug you over to the cuttlefish. You never had a chance to actually see a cuttlefish in real life before. The way their colors changed fascinated you. As you studied the cuttlefish, Shinso studied you and said, "You're beautiful, y/n."

You looked up at him and your heart skipped a beat. He was looking down at you in a way that made you feel so loved and protected. You leaned into him and he just held you in his arms for a few minutes as you listened to his heart beating in his chest. There was that soft musky smell mixed with just a bit of vanilla again and it made you feel safe. They should make a scent out of his smell.

"I saved the best for last," he said walking through another part of the aquarium. At first you didn't see anything in the tank, but then all of a sudden a dolphin swam by. "OMG! I love dolphins!" You exclaimed.

"I remember," he said. "It was the first thing I heard you say back when we were 6."

He remembered something from all those years ago?

You smiled up at him and thought to yourself what a perfect day it was.

"There's one last thing," he said and walked around the other side of the dolphin tank and up the ramp. "You want to meet them?"

"Are you serious?!?" you jumped up and down.

He talked to some staff members and told them you had a reservation and soon they were handing you wetsuits to change into.

After changing you came out as saw Shinso in his wetsuit. He was muscular enough that you could see slight definition through the wetsuit and when he turned around you snuck a look at his ass which was very nice indeed. You looked away as he turned around so that he wouldn't catch you staring.

The staff explained a few rules to you and then you got to hop right in with the dolphins. You were paired with a dolphin named Oceana and she chattered at you before splashing you with her tail.

She gave you a ride while you gripped her fin and she even pushed you along with her nose. You were so excited that you also got to take a pictures with the dolphin and remember this day.

"Okay, one last picture," the guy behind the camera said. "I'm going to have one of you go on each side of Oceana and give her a kiss." You followed his directions and puckered up to the dolphin as you heard him take a couple of pictures. He looked down at the camera, shook his head, and said, "Hold on, I need to take that one again."

That's when Oceana backed away and you found yourself kissing Shinso and you heard the camera click.

It was just a peck, but you felt it across your whole body. Shinso looked at you and smiled before swimming backwards and splashing you.

After changing out of your wetsuits you walked over to the kiosk where they had all of the pictures. And there it was, the one with you and Shinso kissing and your eyes were wide with surprise. You both laughed and she wrapped up all of the pictures.

You looked out at the ocean, which was filled with various shades of pinks, blues, and purples as the sun set. You glanced over at Shinso who was looking at you with lidded eyes and he took your hand and pulled you closer. He leaned over and pressed his soft lips onto yours and your hands instinctively went into his hair to bring him even closer to you. His warm tongue was massaging your tongue in a little dance before breaking away slowly.

"I promise that I will always do everything I can to make sure you know how much I care about you," he said, gazing into your eyes. "You mean so much to me, y/n."

Badum, badum.

"You mean the world to me, Toshi"

You cuddled with each other on the train as you went home. You knew that in the coming days you were going to have to make a really hard choice. But right now you just wanted to enjoy the moment.

Shinso walked you up to your door and pulled you in for another kiss that took your breath away and then said, "Good night."

° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

You laid in bed after taking a long hot shower and thought about Bakugo and Shinso and how amazing they both are in completely different ways. You also thought back to what Shoto said, but right now neither choice seemed to be jumping out at you. At the same time you knew you wouldn't be able to do this forever. You hoped an answer would make itself apparent in the coming weeks.

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