Shinso side story 1

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You felt the cool beach air flowing through your hair as you looked out towards the sun that was approaching the ocean horizon. Burying your nose in the flowers that were in your hand, you took in their sweet scent.

"You ready?" you heard Mina say in your direction. She looked super cute in the (favorite color) dress that she had on as she lined up in front of you waiting for the music to start.

You felt your Aunt Hiake wrap her arm around yours as you filed in behind Mina, waiting for your cue to start your procession.

I can't believe today is my wedding day.

As you walked down the aisle behind Mina, you saw so many of your friends and loved ones before looking towards the end at the man you loved.

Shinso's hair seemed to have almost a glowing halo around it as the colors from the sunset shone through. He had a soft smile on his face until you came into closer his view, and you saw his lips part slowly before a bright smile flashed across his face.

As you approached Shinso, you leaned into him to give him a kiss but were stopped just short as Mina said, "I know you can't keep your hands off of each other, but at least wait til after your vows." You heard a few giggles from the audience as you took your position next to the purple haired boy.

As the officiant started to talk, you could barely hear what he said because you were so entranced while looking into Shinso's eyes.

I finally get to marry him.

You thought back to the first time you met him. He was such a cutie even back then.

When Shinso started his vows, you felt tears of happiness form in your eyes at his words, but you somehow managed to hold them back. As he slipped the ring on your finger, you looked down for a moment and then back up at him as saw there was a combination of nerves and happiness brewing within him as well.

You felt your voice crack slightly as you recited your vows to the man you loved, and almost dropped the ring as you placed it on his finger.

When the officiant announced that you could kiss, you almost forgot that you were in front of so many people. They all stifled their giggles as your kiss got extremely intense.

You heard Mina mumble under her breath to the other bridesmaids, "I'm not sure they are even going to make it to the reception at this rate."


Arriving to your own reception a little late(you can blame Shinso for getting a little too handsy), it was already in full swing and you entered to doors to your friends and family cheering.

You enjoyed your meal, and cried and laughed a bit at the toasts from your closest friends. Everyone seemed to be having an amazing time together, chattering happily as you went around the room greeting everyone.


You were the first of the the class 1-A girls to get married, so they all lined up along with several of your other friends to have their shot at catching the bouquet. You turned around and pretended to toss the bouquet a few times before Jirou yelled, "Just fucking throw it already!"

You tossed behind you and heard a huge scrambling before turning around and seeing Ochaco floating above the rest of the girls, holding the bouquet in her hand.

"Looks like youre next, Midoriya," Kaminari said while nudging him, causing Midoriya to turn bright red. You looked back at Ochaco who had a huge grin from ear to ear.

You continued to make small talk with your guests as the night went on, happy to see all of your fellow class 1-A classmates in the same place after a few years of apart.

After cutting the cake (and getting it all over your face), you took to the dance floor taking turns dancing with each of your guests.

"May I have this dance?" you heard Bakugo say while tapping you on the shoulder.

"Hey," you said, while wrapping one of your arms around his shoulder and taking his hand into your other hand. "How have you been doing? I saw you in the news a lot recently. Looks like you are really enjoying your hero work."

There was silence for a feew moments, and you slowly glided around yhe dance floor before he finally broke the silence.

"You look beautiful today," he said, completely ignoring your question.

"Thank you. You look very handsome tonight as well."

"Do you ever think about what it would be like if things had turned out different between us?" he said, looking into your eyes.

"Maybe in a different world, we would still be together." you said, lost in thought.

***You can see what happens if things had turned out a little differently in Bakugo's ending!!!***

"Can I cut in?" you heard Shinso say as your grasp separated from the blonde boy.

As you buried your head in the crook of Shinso's neck, you felt the exhaustion from the day's events take over as you danced slowly around the dance floor.

"You ready to get out of here?" he said.

"Mhmm," you responded back. You said goodbye to a few of your guests and then slipped out of the party, even though it was still in full effect. As you walked back to your room, suddenly you weren't as tired as you were just a few moments ago.

As you approached the door, Shinso unlocked it with a card and then you felt your legs being swept out from underneath you. You grabbed onto his neck, surprised that you were now being held bridal style as you entered the candlelit room. You turned your head around to see a bed with flower petals scattered about in the shape of a heart and a cart next to it with various fruits and champagne. There was also a hot tub surrounded by candles with petals floating in the water. As he laid you down on the bed, you saw a large box next to you.

"Whats in there?" you questioned.

"Open it and find out."

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