💜 Beach Day 💥

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You woke up early the next morning, excited to spend the day relaxing at the beach with your friends. And you were even more excited to spend the day with Shinso. You were walking up to the train station to meet your friends when you heard a voice behind you. "Hey!" Mina exclaimed. "Are any of the boys here yet?" No sooner had the words escaped her mouth when Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari walked up. A few of the other students arrived moments later and you saw Shinso walking up right behind them.

"Hey," you looked at him sheepishly. "Did you have a good night yesterday?"

He smiled in such a way that he looked both shy and cocky at the same time and said, "I think it went pretty well."

Your group boarded the next train and piled on top of each other excited for the day to begin. You plopped down next to Shinso and thought about taking his hand in yours but thought that you should probably wait, not knowing how he felt about the whole thing.

You heard the class 1-A boys being fairly loud a few seats down from you and then Kaminari turned to you and loudly said, "That was some battle that you had with Bakugo yesterday in class."

Kirishima chimed in, "Yeah, your Quickfire was keeping up well with Bakugo. I didn't know you could fight like that."

Shinso gave you a puzzled look and that when it hit you. I haven't told him about my new quirk. Oh no. How could I forget something so important!

The boys prattled on, splitting their focus between you, Bakugo, and each other.

"That was pretty crazy at the end too when you had y/n pinned up against the wall," Kirishima said, facing Bakugo.

"Yeah, for a minute we all thought you were going to kiss, you seemed pretty intimate," Kaminari said, wiggling his eyebrows at both you and Bakugo. The boys all started laughing a jabbing each other with their elbows.

Bakugo scowled and yelled at Kaminari, but you weren't quite sure what he said because you were busy looking at Shinso who had a combination of sadness and anger plastered across his face.

You reached out to him, but he swatted your hand out of the way, so you folded your hands in your lap unsure of what to do next.

You stayed quiet the rest of the ride until you arrived at the station at which point you really heard the excitement coming from all of your classmates. After the train stopped, you tried to catch up to Shinso who bolted out of the train and was already walking far ahead of you.

"Can we talk?" You said placing your hand on his shoulder hoping to slow him down.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" he scowled at you as he stopped mid stride. "The fact that you have a quirk that you hid from me all these years, or the fact that you and Bakugo seem to have something going on?"

"I'm so sorry that I forgot to tell you about my new quirk and how I got it. It really was just a simple mistake. And really nothing happened between...." You continued, but it seemed as if he had already stopped listening to you as he stormed off, too wrapped up in his own anger.

"Just go hang out with Bakugo," he turned around and snapped at you harshly.

Mina saw that you were clearly distressed and came over to see if she could help. Shinso took off, catching up to Midoriya and Todoroki and started a conversation with them. Clearly he was not in the mood to talk about anything at this moment. At least with you. You could tell that Mina really wanted to pry more into what was going on, but luckily she stopped short of asking.

You followed as your group found a spot to set up near the water. Everyone started digging into their bags and unpacking their beach supplies.

For the next hour, you continued to glance over at Shinso hoping that maybe he would lower his guard and allow you to talk, but it seemed that today would not be that day. Every time you looked over there was a scowl across his face. So you turned back around and focused on unpacking and setting up umbrellas.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now