🍋Two is Better Than One part 5🍋

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Later that evening after Shinso arrived, he seemed to have an urgency as he kissed you. Your lips still felt slightly swollen from earlier, so his touch made you aware of how sensitive they were at the moment.

You plopped down on your bed between the boys, laying your head in Shinso's lap as you thought about how everything could be handled. You knew that a conversation was going to need to happen, but you still felt on edge as you sat up and started to speak. "So I guess we need to have some additional rules so that no one gets upset."

Both boys had their eyes glued to you as you continued, "I guess we need to figure out what both of you are okay with the other one doing during their alone time. And what, if anything, you are okay with doing in front of each other."

"I don't want to see...." Bakugo started and then paused. You could tell that he he was thinking everything over. Whatever he wanted Shinso to do or not do went for him as well. "Ugh, I don't want to see him railing your ass, but if I have to in order to get more time with you, then I will."

"So I'm good to do whatever during my free time with y/n?" Shinso said staring hard at Bakugo.

"No!.... well, yes.... Ugh.... Fine. If it's something that y/n wants to do, then I will be okay with it." the blonde stammered, clearly thrown off by the question.

"So can I ask what you did today? Actually.... no, on second thought, I don't know if I want to know what happened." The purple haired boy continued, "Maybe we should keep our private times private unless someone directly asks l/n. I'll do you the courtesy of not rubbing it in your face and you can do the same."

"What about when we are all together?" you questioned. "Are we keeping it as it is and keeping it light?"

"Tch," Bakugo scoffed. "I'm here for you y/n, not to be with this fucking extra. But I get that this probably won't always work out keeping everything separated."

"What about for now, we keep things like this and handle it when the situation comes up." Shinso added. "If one day it happens, then it happens."

I guess this is good? They dont seem to want to kill each other. At least now right now.


The next morning, you woke up and showered before either boy got up. When you got out, you could smell something cooking for breakfast. After wrapping up your hair in the towel, you came out of the bathroom and saw Bakugo shoving some of his laundry into his bag. He walked over to you started kissing you deeply, knocking the towel off your head in the process. "Yesterday was amazing," he said in a low growl. "I want to do a continuation on it the next time I get you alone." You felt yourself getting lost in his kisses until you heard Shinso call out from the kitchen that breakfast was ready.

"We will see..." You said flirtily as you touched the tip of his nose with your finger. You turned around at started walking towards the kitchen, and could feel the boy following close behind.

When you got out to the kitchen, you could see a look of annoyance on Shinso's face that was directed in Bakugo's direction.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, Zombie Boy. I'm leaving right now." Bakugo said and he gathered a few things and left.

"I think you're going to love this," Shinso said as he pushed a forkful of (your favorite breakfast food) towards your mouth.

"Oh god, Mmmmmm, that is so fucking good," you said while moaning slightly.

"Hey now, don't make me get jealous of the food too."


You were sitting on your bed looking for something to watch when Shinso brushed you hair away and looked at your neck. "Is this his way of trying to claim you?" He questioned quietly, while tracing the hickey that had been left the day before. "I can't have that."

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now