💜 Reunited 💥

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You were eating lunch with the usual squad when you saw a flash of purple crossing the cafeteria. You instantly thought of Hitoshi.

You craned your neck trying to get a better look and started to study the face of the boy on the other side of the room. "It looks a lot like him," you thought. And you saw him look up and over at you. Your eyes locked and it seemed like there was recognition on his side as well.

"I'll be right back," you said to the group and you got up and strolled over to the boy who was also now standing up and walking towards you.


"Y/n?" you both said in unison.

Your eyes lit up and without even thinking you both reached out to hug each other.

From across the way your table turned around and looked as you embraced the boy.

"Who is that?" Mina exclaimed. Staring at the cute purple haired boy.

"I have no clue," Kaminari answered. "Looks like they are in general studies."

A scowl spread across Bakugo's face. "Why would Red Hot be talking to a fucking extra from general studies?" He then got up and stomped off with a look of irritation across his face.

"What's his deal?" Kirishima asked the group.

You ended the embrace and stepped back taking in the tall boy who had grown into his features very nicely. He still had the same purple eyes that were deep enough to get lost in, but the rest of him looked more manly and grown.

"I thought I would never see you again," Shinso said with a small smile on his face

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"I thought I would never see you again," Shinso said with a small smile on his face. You heard some people at his table commenting about never seeing him smile until that moment and asking each other who you were.

"Me too," you said back. "I tried so hard to find you. I can't believe I found you here of all places."

You chatted for a few more minutes and agreed to meet each other after school. The bell rang and you quickly ran back to your table to try to take a couple of bites a food before chucking the rest of your lunch in the trash and running off to class.

You entered the classroom and saw Bakugo scowling at you and Mina practically attacked you and you knew she wanted to ask about Shinso. Luckily you were saved by Aizawa starting class.

In class you kept hearing Mina whispering, "pstt!" So you turned around and she asked under her breath, "Who was that?"

You whispered back, "He is my best friend from grade school. I haven't seen him in 6 years. I'm supposed to meet up with him after school."

You heard some grumbling from Bakugo's direction and glanced over and caught his sight. His eyes bore through you even though the rest of his face was neutral. You held his sight for about half a minute when Aizawa called out for the class to focus. "What is going on with Bakugo? He's the last person I need upset with me," you thought. You had grown accustomed to your mutual banter over the last few weeks and actually liked it....but usually he wasn't actually mean to anyone in the group, especially not you. You felt that he even liked having the lunch crew around but just didn't want anyone to actually know it.

You were hoping that by the end of class things would be back to normal. You actually liked hanging out with Bakugo and calling him your friend. And if you allowed yourself to admit it, maybe you liked him a bit more than that.

You weren't really sure what you were learning during the rest of class that afternoon. Your mind was going in ten thousand directions all at once and your emotions followed as you tried to sort everything out in your head.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now