Bakugo Ending Part 2

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···Shinso POV···

I didn't want to go back to school, but knew there wasnt much more I could do for y/n while she was in the hospital. Plus now things were slightly off about the whole situation.

How are you feeling?

I'm feeling better. I should be getting out tomorrow.

Should I bring up the hand thing? Do I ask her? Probably best to just rip off the band-aid.

I noticed that you always seemed to be holding onto Bakugo the last few days.

···Y/N POV···

You thought back to your stay in the hospital so far and realized that you were always seeking out the warmth of Bakugo's hand. He helped you feel safe. He made you feel protected. You wanted for him to always be there. At that moment, you knew that your choice had been made. You loved Bakugo and wanted to be by his side forever.

I guess I didnt even realize that I was doing that.

So what does that mean?

I just know that I always want him there protecting me.

I think we both have our answers then. You clearly subconsciously or consciously want to be with Bakugo. And while I do want to be with you, I want your happiness more.

Shinso had been a part of your life for so long. You didn't want to lose him. But what did you want his part in your life to be? Could you go back to being friends?

So if I went with him, where would that leave us?

We grew up as best friends. So I know that we can can get back to that again some day.  I'm probably going to need some time though.

Knowing that you had stronger feelings for Bakugo didn't make the situation with Shinso less painful. You didn't want to hurt him, but you didn't know what you could say to make things better.

I understand.
Text me anytime.
I will always be there for you.

You felt saddened after the conversation which made you extremely tired. Sleep came over you quickly and soon you were transported back into the same dream that had taken over every sleep for the last week or so.

You saw the raindrops on the window again, doing the same race they always did. You traced you finger along one of the droplets and thought of Bakugo. At this point in the dream is usually when everything turned to snow, but instead you felt the warmth in your hand and looked down to see the same hand as always. You followed the arm up expecting the face to disappear at the end, but this time you saw who it was.


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