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The rest of the day was a blur. You were not sure how, but you somehow managed to walk all the way home without even realizing how you got there. Your Aunt Hiake was home early and asked you about your day. "....We got to battle each other today and it was amazing!"

"Oh? Did you win?" She questioned.

"No," you said with a giant smile on your face. Making your aunt feel that there was definitely more to the story than just a simple battle in class.

You ate dinner together as Aunt Hiake talked about her day with Endeavour and how he wasn't always the nicest to his fans. She seemed really irritated by him. You commented that in all of the times that you talked to Shoto that he didn't seem to be a big fan of his dad either. You made some more small talk with her as you finished your meal and then wandered off to your room to start homework.

You wondered what Bakugo and Shinso were doing as you stared at your math homework, trying to make sense of the numbers and letters that seemed to be floating around the page. You picked up your phone bored and thought about going on Tiktok when you shook your head and decided it was best to just finish everything up first. No sooner had you set your phone down, when it suddenly vibrated shaking your whole desk.


Hey y/n. How's it going?


Hey Toshi! I was just thinking about you.


Good thoughts I hope.


Of course. I think the world of you.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did you say that to him? You are going to scare him off before you even have a chance to see what he thinks of you.


Oh really? Well maybe since you think so highly of me you would want to help me with my homework.


Sure! Should we meet up somewhere?


Yeah, we could meet at my house or yours, whatever you would prefer.

Your heart skipped a couple of beats and then seemed to double its pace trying to make up for the beats it missed.


Sounds good. I'll send you my address.

About 15 minutes passed when you heard a knock at the door. You shot a quick look at yourself in the mirror before opening up the door to see Shinso standing in the doorway. You held your breath slightly as you took him in. He was a bit more lean than Bakugo and a bit taller as well, but it suited him very well. His eyes were piercing yet strangely deep at the same time like there was so much behind them. You noticed that his lips were slightly parted and looked like they would be soft. You quickly brushed off your thoughts as you invited him inside, hoping that he wouldn't be able to tell your thoughts just by looking at you.

You wandered off to your room, leading Shinso who was carrying his books with him

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You wandered off to your room, leading Shinso who was carrying his books with him. You scattered books and papers around on your bed and started to go through the problems. You managed to get through the problems very fast and you jabbed his ribs while lightly commenting, "Seems like you didn't really need my help after all."

He squirmed and let out a small laugh. "Are you ticklish?" you said as you jabbed him a few more times in his ribs to test it. He squirmed more, but quickly decided the best course of action would be to go on the offense and playfully started lightly digging his fingers into your sides. You jumped and a fit of laughter escaped your mouth. You continued playfully taking jabs at each other randomly bursting into fits of laughter. The intensity of the tickling caused you to writhe around uncontrollably and you fell back onto the bed and you suddenly found yourself trapped underneath Shinso. He pinned you flat on the bed, straddling you and he tried to hold your hands back from tickling him back, placing one hand on each side of your head. For the second time today, you felt your heart beating out of your chest as you were pinned down. You looked up into Shinso's lidded eyes which you noticed weren't just purple but had small flecks of blue and red in them as well.

He started to lean in towards you and you thought back to this afternoon with Bakugo when he whispered, "I win" into your ear. You felt that Shinso was going to do something similar, but it didn't stop your heart from racing. He got closer and you closed your eyes taking in his soft musk scent and feeling the warmth radiating off of him.

Then you felt something soft brush across your lips. Heart racing faster you opened your eyes slowly and looked into his eyes which were peering back at you. And he started to approach your lips again and you fell into another kiss. His warm lips slightly parted and you felt his tongue lightly brush across your bottom lip as you both deepened the kiss. Your head was spinning as you came out of the kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that for 6 years." He said softly as his hand started fiddling with your hair.

You were so shocked that you really didn't know what to say and you slowly sat up, Shinso also adjusting to free you from the cage he had made with his arms. Peering down to his lips, you closed the distance between you two and met his lips once again and parted to allow your tongues to dance once again.

A knock at the door startled you both and you tried your best to maintain your composure as your aunt walked in and told Shinso that it was getting late and he should probably start heading home soon. Oh no, did she see?

You helped him gather his books and assignments and walked him out. Your aunt was standing behind you and you weren't really sure how to say goodbye, so you reached up and threw your arms around his neck, hugging him firmly. You both pulled away from each other and said goodnight. You wanted to squeal but you managed to walk back into your room and collapsed on the door as you closed it behind you.

Control | Bakugo x Female Reader x ShinsoWhere stories live. Discover now