Bakugo Part 7

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Bakugo was staring right at you, not taking his eyes off of you for even a minute, but it was clear that the girl next to him was having some sort of conversation with him.

"Do you know who that is?" you asked Shinso, pointing in the direction of the girl.

"Yeah, I think her name is Yui Kodai."

She needs to stay away from him. He's mine.


After school, you caught up to Bakugo as he was leaving the school gates without you.

"Hey, can you slow down?" you said, trying to catch your breath from running after him. "What's going on?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" he snapped back.

"You're right. I was just trying to be supportive of Toshi because I really think he has a chance at getting into the hero course. But it was the same thing I would do with any friend! I link arms with Mina all the time and you don't get upset!"

"You know why it's different! Plus I still see the way he looks at you."

You were taken back by the statement for a moment and then responded, "Yeah, but who am I with?"

You both stopped and stared at each other for a minute, neither one of you talking. It was like some sort of weird standoff with an unknown outcome.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw the black haired girl, Yui Kodai, who was clearly listening in on your conversation. You scowled at her but tried to brush it off since there was clearly something more important that needed to be addressed.

Bakugo's eyes followed to where you were looking and you saw the girl wave shyly to him. "Tch," he breathed out between his teeth and then faced back to you. "I have to get home to do chores right now anyways, so we can talk about this later." And then he turned on his heel and walked towards his house.

When you got home, you fell face first onto your bed, irritated with how the day went. You wanted to talk to someone about everything but knew you couldn't talk to Shinso or Bakugo about the issue. You thought about texting Mina, but what were you even going to say? You weren't really sure where you would even begin.

As you laid there, you thought back to the girl and wondered if there was something going on with her and Bakugo. She clearly is looking at him like she likes him. Does he like her back?

···Next morning···

"So Uraraka, are you going to make some Valentine's Day chocolate for Midoriya?" Mina said, looking over at the brown haired girl.

"Uhh.....w-why would you say that? Do you think he would want that? I should at least make him something, right?" Uraraka said, clearly blushing just thinking about the green haired boy.

"You clearly like each other, so just confess and get it over with," she replied back. "You can make your chocolate at the same time that y/n makes her chocolate for Bakugo."

"Hmmm, oh...yeah. We can make them together." You were only half listening as you volunteered yourself to help make chocolate, you sent a message to Bakugo a few minutes ago and saw he was responding back but it was taking a minute.

Are you still mad?


Ugh. I guess I can't stay mad at you. Plus I slept like shit last night thinking about everything.

I couldn't sleep either.
I dont want to upset you ever.

Yeah, yeah.
Plus I want my Valentine's Day chocolate from you tomorrow. And maybe something more. 😏

I think that can be arranged.

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