💜 New Friend 💜

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···Age 6···

The sun was pleasantly warm on your face as you walked up to the small, elementary school hand in hand with your mom. You beamed happily at her and noticed that the weather seemed to mirror your mood. Today was going to be an unforgettable first day of school.

"You are going to have such an amazing time and meet so many new friends, y/n!" your mom said to you with a bright smile. "I can't wait to hear all about your day this afternoon when I pick you up."

She bent down to your level and you wrapped your arms around her neck and gave her a tight squeeze. You could smell the sweet scent of strawberries and citrus in her hair. The scent fit her personality perfectly and it was just another reminder of why she was your favorite person in the world. "I'll tell you about all the new friends I'll make. I bet they'll all have the coolest quirks!"

Your mother seemed to want to continue the embrace longer, but you were getting antsy and wanted to get to know the kids in your class, so you freed yourself from her and spun on your heel and skipped towards your classroom. Feeling a little bad for breaking off the hug early, you stopped just shy of the door and turned around and waved to her, smiling brightly. She waved and smiled back, her eyes forming crescent shapes.

"Hope she is going to be okay without me," you thought to yourself as you entered.

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As you walked into the bright classroom, you looked around at who you assumed would be your new classmates, and most of them seemed to share your same sense of excitement about the day. You saw several of them running wildly, and a few staring at their surroundings bewildered by the sight of their first classrom. You could tell a few looked nervous so you gave them a big toothy grin to try to ease their nerves, and it seemed to work as they returned a smile.

You saw a kind looking lady on the other side of the room and she was waving her hands at everyone to call them over to her. You wandered over to your teacher with the rest of your classmates and plopped down on the plush, colorful rug next to a blonde girl with pigtails and a boy with indigo hair.

After settling the class down, your teacher announced that everyone was going to introduce themselves so yhe class could to get to know each other better.

"When it's your turn, I want you to say your name, your favorite animal, and tell us about your quirk. I'll start," said your teacher. "I am Ms. Tanaka, I love giraffes, and my quirk is teleportation. I can teleport to any place that I can see. Who wants to go next?"

One by one the kids announced themselves and told everyone about their quirks. You were so excited to hear about all of the things that your classmates could do.

There was a small light blue haired girl that had a quirk named waterfall and she made water flow from hand to hand with ease. You thought to yourself how nice she looked and how you wanted to make sure you talk to her later to become friends.

A few other kids described their quirks and showed off what they could do as well. A boy with quills on his back was explaining his quill quirk when he accidentally sent one of them flying, making the whole class erupt in laughter. A petite blonde girl next to you stood up and talked about how she was able to breathe underwater.

Eventually, the boy with the indigo hair got up and announced to the class, "My name is Hitoshi Shinso. My favorite animal is a cat. My quirk is called Brainwash. I can control people for a little bit if they respond to a question I ask."

The class got really quiet and started looking around at each other with concerned faces. The silence seemed to stretch on for an eternity and you could feel your heart start to beat wildly in your chest as you felt a sense of panic flow over you. Your quirk was very similar to the boy's quirk and it was at that moment that you realized that people might not appreciate what you could do.

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