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Alcohol is mentioned in this chapter. There will be mature language in this chapter.

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"You're so fucking perfect Elodie."

elodie phillips

"I'm putting my name in the Goblet of Fire. Did you not hear me the first time?" Cedric chuckled.

I was shocked. I was scared, even. Why would he put himself in danger like that? What did he need to prove?

"Ced, isn't that a bit dangerous?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, but it's something new and exciting."

I was still struggling to understand why he'd do that. But then again, I'd never been the brave type. I admired his bravery and excitement.

I closed my eyes and sighed, "All right, that's okay. Just be careful if you're chosen, alright?"

"Of course, my love," Cedric responded softly, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you later."

I smiled and nodded. Unfortunately, I lied to him. I would rather he not enter the tournament, for I couldn't bear to see him get hurt. Then again it was his life, not mine.

I walked myself to the Slytherin common room. My conversation with Cedric made me lose track of Blaise and Pansy. I approached the portrait, muttered the password, and stepped into the common room.

Some of the older students appeared to be decorating for the beginning of the year party. However, the party was only for the 5th year students and up, so I wouldn't be able to attend. I said hello to them and started to make my way up to my dorm. As I walked up the stairs, a voice stopped me.

"So Phillips, your boyfriend is going to enter his name?" I rolled my eyes as I slowly turned around.

"Why a matter of fact, Malfoy, yes he is."

"I'm surprised," he chuckled. "I mean, Hufflepuffs are more on the dumb side, right? I doubt he'd get anywhere in the tournament. That's if he's chosen of course."

I felt my face redden as anger started to boil inside of me. I looked at Malfoy with piercing eyes, wanting to slap that smirk right off of his face. He noticed and smirked even more as he knew he was getting a reaction out of me.

I took a deep breath and tried my best to control myself. "You know Malfoy, I hope you find something in your life that you enjoy. Why don't you find something helpful and uplifting to do instead of tearing others down. It's not a good look for you."

With that being said, I turned around and went to my dorm. Pansy was sitting on her bed talking to Millicent. Millicent wasn't my favorite person, but she was okay. She reminded me of Crabbe.

Pansy greeted me warmly. "Hello, Elodie! What took you so long?"

I crashed down onto my bed, and I heard the music start to boom through the walls from the party below. I began to tell her about Cedric entering his name, and how anxious I was about it. I then told her about my encounter with Malfoy. Pansy listened to it all, offering advice and sarcastic comments here and there.

I told myself that there was nothing to be stressed about and that the odds of Cedric getting chosen were slim to none. Malfoy barely bothered me, although he had never attacked anyone except my family and me. I brushed it off and pulled my covers over my body.

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