sixty five

432 7 126

elodie phillips

The summer was full of the same things. Meetings, creepy men, and brief moments of happiness with Draco.

I wish those moments could last longer, but they never do. We are always interrupted by an outside force, something sad and cold.

But now it was the end of summer. The end of the same hot cycle.

Now, I would live through that same cycle, except the leaves would now brown and fall.

I wanted a break.

Word around the manor says that Harry Potter and his friends went off searching for Horcruxes. Draco had to explain the concept to me.

"A Horcrux," he explained as we packed our trunk for Hogwarts. "is a dark object that preserves Voldemort's soul. You can't kill him unless you destroy the Horcruxes first."

A part of me rejoiced for Harry. I wanted him to kill Voldemort.

To end this vicious cycle for me.

Voldemort still wanted me to spy on Harry. With their cloaking spell, it was hard to locate them and follow them around.

He had death eaters posted everywhere around the country, hoping one would run into him.

Draco and I were sent to Hogwarts, just in case he decided to come back. Meanwhile, I would observe the students and try to get any information on them.

At least I could see Kai and Adi again.

Now, Draco and I sat side by side in the Hogwarts Express. We were told to act as normal as possible.

I was so sick of being told what to do.

Act like this, say this, watch this.

I'll do what I fucking want.

Do I want to get killed? No.

But I don't want to be the bad guy either.

I know Draco likes the power stance, he just won't admit it. He doesn't want to be the bad guy, he just wants to come off like it.

He didn't need the extra power stance though, because he's Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy does what he fucking wants.

I wanted to tell him, explain it to him, but he was too broken.

Students mumbled in hushed whispers as they passed by. The same rumors ran through the school as usual.

This time, I finally gave birth to my baby, and she's being hidden at the manor.

I couldn't help but laugh at the idiocracy.

I looked over at Draco, whose jaw was clenched and eyes blank. I gently rubbed his leg, trying to get his attention.

"Do you remember the fourth year?" I asked him, trying to spark memories about better times.

He slowly nodded, turning his head to face me.

"Well," I started, smiling a bit. "I remember when Cedric and I were sitting in here, you walked by the compartment."

"And the point of this story is?" Draco remarked.

He wasn't in a very good mood today.

"I was just remembering the look you had on your face. It was honestly a bit funny; you were all flustered and bitter."

"Because I was jealous, isn't that obvious?" He joked a little, except I didn't think he was joking.

"Aw, Draco," I cooed, giving him a fake look of pity as I stuck out my bottom lip. "Were you sad you couldn't have me?"

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