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elodie phillips

Umbridge was finally gone. The Hogwarts student body as a whole seemed to be much more cheerful. But for me? Not so much.

A few days have passed since the DA was busted, and no one seems to be happy with me. Draco was still upset that I had lied, and the DA was still under the impression that it was me who had tipped Umbridge.

Today, I was making things right. I was going to try and talk to Draco, who had been avoiding me and approach Harry to apologize.

Cho, in her usual fashion, was starting rumors about me. Everyone in the school knew about the DA getting busted, but Cho made everyone sure that it was me who tipped them off.

I know it was her that did it. I just needed proof. After all, Draco was the one who caught her. Hell, I cofounded the DA. Harry had approached me with the idea. If I didn't find proof, it was fine. The school can just talk about it for a few weeks and then everything will be blown over.

Besides, I had more pros going for me than cons. Everyone still remembers the party and the "show" that I put on. People seemed to like that.

But getting Harry Potter and his trio busted? Definitely bigger talk than some steamy dancing on a table with my boyfriend. If only people had known that I helped Harry start it. At least Harry will understand.

Dusk was coming upon the school, and I walked back into the Slytherin common room after a long day of classes. I checked around me, and I went upstairs to the boys' dormitories. I gently knocked on Draco's door, pressing my ear to the wood, hoping to hear something.

I heard a low shuffling and soon enough, Draco had answered the door.

"Hi," I started, putting my hand out towards him. "My name is Elodie Phillips. Not sure if you know me, but I happen to be your girlfriend."

He rolled his eyes. "Very funny, but I'm not in the mood for jokes lately."

"Too bad," I smiled, pushing past him into his room. I sat down on his bed, smoothing down the covers. "We need to talk."

"We already did," he argued.

I scoffed. "Barely. Besides, I didn't get your side of the story."

He sighed, sitting down next to me. "What do you need to hear? You lied to me and ran around with Potter and his friends behind my back."

"Do you understand why I did that?"

His grey eyes bore into mine as he sat in silence.

"You know why I did it, Draco. There's no need to be stubborn."

"You wanted to do something good," he answered reluctantly.

"I'm glad we're on the same page. I wanted to do something good and learn a few things. I wasn't getting that from Umbridge."

"But Lola, you don't lie to me. We're not supposed to lie with each other."

My heart warmed at the sound of my nickname falling off his lips. I knew that everything was better now.

"I know. It was wrong of me to lie, and I'm sorry."

Draco shifted closer to me and put his head on my shoulder. His arms snakes around my waist as he pulled me in close. I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry for overreacting," Draco apologized. "It's just- you know how I feel about Potter."

"I know, I know," I hushed. We sat with each other for a while, until I finally broke off.

"Are we good?" I asked, looking into his eyes.

"I guess."

"You suck," I smiled, giving him a quick peck. "I'll see you later. Bye."

I got up and went towards his door. "Lola?" Draco asked from behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"Let's just promise each other no more lies, okay?"

"Okay, I promise," I reassured, smiling.


The great hall was bustling with the newfound joy of the students. As I walked through the tables, I could hear snippets of conversations and laughter.

"I'm so glad that toad is gone."

"Same here, she was awful."

I went towards the Gryffindor table and sat down in an open spot next to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Hey guys," I started, pushing a smile. "Nice job getting rid of Umbridge!"

"You can thank Hermione for that one," Ron credited, smiling at her.

"Yeah, the plan was brilliant," Harry added.

A small blush formed at Hermione's cheeks. "Thank you."

I cleared my throat and started again. "And also, I just wanted to clear the air about the DA-"

"I know you weren't the one to tell Umbridge," Harry interrupted.

A massive weight was lifted off of my chest. I sighed and smiled a little bit. "Okay, good. I'm so glad that you knew that."

"Well yeah, you helped me start it up. Why would you rat it out? It just doesn't make sense."

"That's what I was saying!" I chuckled a little. "It's just Cho is spreading these rumors about it and it's getting frustrating."

"Cho?" Ron asked curiously, shooting a look at Harry.

Harry started to smile a little bit.

I looked between the two of them. "Shut up," I laughed. "Are you and Cho..?" Hermione nodded in reply.

If only he knew her true colors.

"That's great, Harry," I said warmly, causing the smile to grow even more.

"Yeah, uh, well I can talk to her about it and let everyone else know that it wasn't you."

"Thank you, Harry. I'm glad we're all on good terms here."

Hermione gently tapped Harry's arm and whispered something into his ear. His eyes lit up as she spoke.

"Elodie, that reminds me. Are you free tomorrow night?"

I looked between the trio in front of me, trying to figure out what they were up to.

"Oh yeah, why?"

"Well," Hermione started, her eyes darting between Harry and Ron. "We're going to the Ministry of Magic."

"The Ministry?" I asked in disbelief, lowering my voice to a hushed whisper.

"Yeah," Harry started to explain. "My godfather, Sirius, is in trouble. I've been having visions of something happening to him at the Ministry tonight, and I need to save him. You were one of the most advanced students in the DA, so I could use your help."

I was shocked at the offer but immediately accepted. "Yes, of course, I'll help."

"Brilliant. But keep it on the low. The fewer people that know the better."

"Right, yeah," I agreed.

Let's just promise each other no more lies, okay?


Not me writing two chapters in one day😁 Even though I'm publishing this a day later. Lucky for you guys though, that means a ton of updates while I have this random spark of inspiration. Also, peep our beautiful Elodie at the top! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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QOTD: favorite type of weather?

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