thirty seven

678 15 85

elodie phillips (swipe for party music)

The common room fire was dimly lit as my friends and I lounged on the couches. Pansy was upstairs getting ready for a party, which of course, she raved about. Blaise, Marcus, Draco, and I were staying back for now.

"Come on guys! It's like an anti-curfew party!" Pansy whined as she came down. She wore a slick green dress, and she had bought another very similar to it for me.

"Pansy," Draco argued. "Umbridge elected me to be the leader of the Inquisitorial Squad. What would that say about me?"

"It says," Blaise intervened. "That your head is shoved too far up your ass."

I laughed as Draco tried to argue back. "I'll go," I volunteered. "Where was that dress you had bought?"

Pansy squealed as she led me up to her room. She practically threw the dress at me. I slipped it on. Form-fitting and green, just like Pansy's. I unclipped my hair and let it fall onto my shoulders.

Pansy quickly fluffed it before running me back down the stairs to the common room. No extra getting ready for me, I guess.

"Who's even throwing the party?" I asked as we hustled down.

"Ravenclaws," she huffed, slightly out of breath. "Which is surprising, but hey, I'm always down to break the rules." She shot me a wink.

"Alright boys," she announced. "Who's coming with us?"

They were silent.

"I can't, Pansy, Umbridge would kill me," Draco complained.

"I need to study," replied Marcus.

"Marcus," I started. "You've been working your ass off. You deserve a break."

He sighed, looking at the rest of the boys for approval. "She's got a point, you know," Blaise agreed. "I can go with you. Sorry Malfoy, but you're alone tonight."

Draco glanced at me, wishing for me to stay. I shook my head.

After a moment, Draco rolled his eyes as he sighed, "Fine. I'll go."

Pansy cheered and started to lead us out of the common room. Draco walked with me towards the back of the group.

"You know," he whispered. "The only reason I'm going is that you look too good to be left alone."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Besides," he continued. "Everyone there needs to know you're mine."

After solving the riddle, which we forced out of a first-year, we entered the party.

"Why is everyone looking at us so weird?" I mumbled to Pansy as we walked through the students. I could feel the pounding of the music in my feet.

"Well, funny story," Pansy replied. "Slytherin's weren't invited. You know, because of the Umbridge stuff."

"Pansy!" I exclaimed, laughing a bit. I've never crashed a party before, but it was exciting. It gave me a sense of power, knowing that I wasn't even wanted here.

Most of the time, I do get invited to these types of things, but with Umbridge only focusing on Slytherins to be her minions, I was roped into that reputation. Which is fine, I guess.

The music pounded and lights flashed all around me. I could make out faint whispers as Draco led me towards the drinks. His hand snaked around my waist and pulled me close to him as we walked.

I smiled a bit. He handed me a drink and we clinked our red solo cups together, which caused me to laugh a bit. I looked around the room as I took a sip, swallowing the firey drink.

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