fifty four

440 9 72

elodie phillips

The feeling of Christmas was in the air. Beauxbatons was cheery. Silk blue ribbons were hung from the ceiling, carefully detailed with white silk and diamonds.

The tree that welcomed students at the grand entrance was enormous. The ornaments twinkled and danced, inviting you inside.

Adi was bright as usual, and the new winter season made her even brighter.

"Aren't you guys excited? It's Christmas!"

Kai was, well, Kai.

My eyes still felt heavy as I woke up. I gently pushed my covers off of me and sat up, my head in my hands.

My eyes wandered to my window, and I could see gentle white flakes fall beyond it.

It was a picture-perfect scene.

However, I had bigger things to worry about than snow.

I was going home.

I didn't know how long I would be staying there, but one can never be too safe.

I pulled out my trunk from under my bed and hoisted it against my wall.

I packed a few essentials. Some self-care items and loads of warm clothes.

A knock sounded on my door. "Come in!" I announced.

The door flew open, and Adi strolled in. "Aren't you so excited!" she exclaimed. "I can't wait to meet all of your friends!"

I smiled a bit and laughed. "I'm pretty excited, yeah. You'll love Pansy."

"Tell me about your other friends!" Adi begged, flopping onto my bed.

"Well, there's Blaise. He's kind of like the hype man of the group, and he's the hookup. He knows where to find anything. Oh, and he picks out all the music for parties."

"Then there's Marcus. He's sweet, gentle, and kind. He's honestly a true gentleman. He was close with Cedric, but after he died he's never really been the same. Marcus is quiet and has his priorities set very straight."

Adi perked up a bit, kicking her legs behind her. "Is he single by any chance?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and sighed. "Oh Merlin, Adi...last time I checked, he was."

She pumped her arms in victory, her smile as wide as the ocean.

"Are you nervous to see Draco again?" She asked curiously.

Bubbly and full of questions.

I paused my packing for a moment, thinking.

"I feel like I shouldn't be, but I am," I started.

"That's normal, Elle," she reassured, standing up and ushering me to sit down.

I ran my hands through my hair. "Yeah," I agreed. "But I can just tell he's going to be different."

"Well," Adi started again, looking at me with care. "What happened the last time you two were together?"

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to think past all of the harsh memories that happened this year.

I thought past the controlling parents, the sudden changes, the revival of my temper.

I thought past the harsh emotions: fury, sadness, heartbreak.

There he was.

We were on the Hogwarts express, taking our trip home for the summer.

I saw Draco next to me. He was nervous and frantic. His jaw was tense, and his eyes were fleeting.

"Are you okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied, pulling me in closer. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Just stay right here with me."

It was odd, but I smiled and agreed. When the train stopped, I hugged my friends goodbye.

I wrapped Draco in my arms and pulled him close to me. He hugged me back just as tight. We pulled away, and I cupped my hands on his face. A gentle kiss, and then he was on his way.

And that was the last time that things were normal.

I opened my eyes. The memories that I worked so hard to dampen had come back.

"We were on the train ride home," I recalled to Adi. "He seemed nervous. He held me and after the train had stopped we kissed and said goodbye."

"He loves you, does he not?" Adi asked, her hand brushing my back.

"He does," I replied, a warm feeling returning to my mind.

"Then you should have nothing to fear."


Kai knocked on the door shortly after, inviting himself in with his trunk.

"Do we all have everything packed?" Adi asked.

She ran through a checklist with Kai and me, and we all mentally checked off each item.

Toothbrush? Check. Hairbrush? Check. Clothes? Check.

Those feelings started to bubble inside of me again. A pang of nervousness, a beacon of hope, a pool of excitement.

Every part of me tingled with these feelings. I felt alive as ever.

I was hoping my old friends wouldn't mind my personality change. I've gone through things no one should have to go through, so I had to adapt.

Then again, I shouldn't have to justify myself.

To my old friends, it was almost as if they were meeting a new person.

Hello, I'm Elle.

Nice to see you again, I'm Elle.

Call me Elle.

"Okay, so everyone has their things then!" Adi exclaimed, breaking me out of my trance. Her optimism and excitement for this trip calmed me. I just felt guilty that I didn't share the same feelings.

We all grabbed a hold of our trunks and joined hands.

"Ready?" I asked, looking between my two friends.

Adi already had closed her eyes, a great smile plastered on her face. Kai looked at me with worry but gently nodded.

I closed my eyes as well, focusing hard on the Slytherin common room.

Once again, I found myself pushing past all of the difficult memories that I seemingly erased from my mind.

I thought of the parties, the study sessions, the laughter.

The image of the dark green colors flooded my mind.

I was ready to go home.

My nerves and guilt morphed into elation as I felt like air. I grabbed tight to my trunk and friends, careful to not lose them along the way.

I was air. My stomach no longer felt sick with the feeling of apparation.

All of the reminiscings made the short travel time go by even faster.

My feet hit solid ground. I felt warmth. I opened my eyes, and there I was. I looked to my side, seeing the black leather couch and dancing fireplace.

A Christmas tree was decorated in the corner, with dark ornaments hanging from the sturdy branches.

Adi and Kai were breathlessly looking around.

That smile was still plastered on Adi's face, and Kai's whole body shone a ghostly white.

"You'll get used to apparating after a while," I reassured, squeezing his hand.

We all set our trunks down, and I sighed happily.

"Adi, Kai, welcome to Hogwarts."

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