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AN: At the top is a party playlist I found on Youtube. For some reason, I couldn't place two videos at the top. However, during the Cedric and Elodie flashback, I highly recommend you listen to "turning page" by sleeping at last. It really adds to it. Anyways, play this link during the party, it's what I listened to as I wrote. Or don't, whatever you like. I now present...five.


"You're a slut, and even though other people may not recognize it, I do. You're full of shit."

elodie phillips

I'm not sure what I expected going into this party. Maybe some of Ced's closest friends, and a cake to celebrate his growing death wish. God. Out of all people who put their name in, hell, out of ALL the people in this damn school, Cedric had to be chosen.

I tried to suppress all of these negative thoughts as I slowed my walk. I hadn't even noticed it, but my pace was very aggressive and hasty. I stopped in the middle of the corridors and sighed. I'm happy for Cedric, really I am, but I have this feeling under my skin and it isn't good.

A deep vibration and some loud music pulled me out of my dreadful thoughts. I have arrived to celebrate my boy and this horrific tournament. When I walked into the Hufflepuff common room, I could tell my previous thoughts about this party being small were wrong. People were dancing to upbeat music, cups were being lined up for shots, and there was a faint smell of...skunk?! Who let a skunk in here? Seriously, this could be a big problem-

"Heyy Elodie, how did you get here?" A drunken Pansy slurred, ruining my train of thought.

"I am dating the Hogwarts champion Pans, it is no surprise that I would be here. More importantly, what are you doing here? I thought this party was limited to those close to Ced?"

"Oh! Sweetie, you have it all wrong. Anyone who wanted to could show up. Even Draco made an appearance. He must want free drinks or something."

Malfoy? Why would he be here? He hates Hufflepuffs, especially Cedric. Speaking of which, where is that boy? I came just for him. I mean I love that Pansy is here, but she's too drunk to function. She will be no help to me find my love.

"Hey Pans, I loved running into you, but I do need to go find Cedric. After all, this party is for him. I'll see you later."

"Okay, I will just be over...uhh over there! Yeah, that seems like a nice area to go chat."

I watched her stumble away, holding her cup close to her so it didn't spill. Now it was time to find Ced. I never really looked around the room until now, but I will admit that the common room is cozy in its own way. I turned around once I felt someone grab my waist. There I was, staring into those stormy grey eyes again, feeling as if I could get lost in a trance.


"Why don't we go dancing around the fireplace?" Cedric said out of the blue.

We were home for Christmas break, and I gathered up the courage to ask him to stay with my family. We had been going strong since the beginning of 3rd year, and we spent every moment together. Maybe I'm too attached, but the thought of spending weeks without him was unbearable.

Cedric and I sat in my grand living room on a soft and cozy couch. I looked up at him and smiled, closing the book that I was reading.

I slowly got up and walked to the record player that lay on the side table. The difference between a muggle record player and a wizard record player is that you only need one record, and it can play any song you desire. I learned this charm from my mother, and it's proven to be quite helpful. In fact, I have taken a great liking to muggle music. Everyone in Hogwarts likes muggle music, whether or not you actually like muggles.

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