twenty two

982 25 69

draco malfoy

She keeps me up at night. I'm not sure if Phillips is aware, but she sobs in her sleep. It's annoying more than anything. I never know what to do about it, so I put a silencing charm on her door.

But tonight her sobs were excruciating. They were full of so much pain and heartbreak. It hurt me. I heard her cry out words that were a bit muffled to me.

"Don't leave!"

"Please stay!"

"I can't lose you again!"

I rolled over in my bed, pulling my pillow around my ears. I tried to drain out the noise, but I couldn't take my mind off of it. She was hurting.

"She needs a friend right now Draco, not an enemy."

Mum's words rang through my head as I stared emptily at my ceiling. My mind was dodging between choices. I heard Phillips starting to yell once more with despairing cries. I grumbled and rolled my eyes as I got out of bed.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I walked across the hallway between our rooms and gently opened her door. Her sobs flooded my ears as I opened it fully and walked into her room. I cringed slightly before walking towards her.

I don't even know what to do.

I tried to recall things that she talked about that brought her peace.


She likes gardens.

She likes her garden.

Mine would have to settle.

I took a deep breath and took a few more steps towards her. I moved over to her bedside table and lit the candle that lay on it. The soft yellow glow illuminated our faces, and I could see her red eyes and nose. Her breathing was heavy and erratic. I gently placed my hand on her cheek in an attempt to softly wake her. She shuddered at my touch and let out another cry, making me instantly pull away.

"Phillips," I whispered. She rolled around slightly, tears streaming down her face. I rolled my eyes. "Phillips," I repeated.

I brought my hand to her face once more and gently brushed it. I couldn't scare her awake. I leaned into her ear and whispered her name once more. Her eyes shot open, but she didn't jump back at the sight of me. Instead, she just looked at me blankly, as if she were trying to figure me out.

Her lip quivered and she burst into tears once more as she fell into my arms. I held her tight in my embrace, trying to help her calm down.

"I-I saw-"

"You don't need to say anything," I whispered, pulling her into my chest. I could feel her frail body shake. This moment was almost nice. Someone was finally embracing my presence. Someone needed me. She needed me.

We laid there for at least ten minutes, or however long it took her to calm down. Once her breathing became slow, I asked, "Do you want me to show you the gardens?"

She wiped her eyes and looked up at me. She tried to speak, but it seemed that her throat had gone dry.

"Come on," I called. "Let's get you some water first."

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and helped her to her feet. She stumbled a little bit, weak from her nightmare. I walked her down the stairs, using my wand to make a light for us.

She held tightly onto me as we crept down the large staircase. I felt her body shudder as her bare feet touched the main floor. I sat her down at a seat by the dining table and flicked on a light.

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