fifty two

467 10 87

elodie phillips

My eyes slowly opened. My ears rang, and my head throbbed.

The moonlight that shone through my window hurt my eyes. It was dull, but it seemed so bright.

What day was it?

The last thing I remembered was taking shots with Adi. After that, everything was a blur.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the dim light. I looked around, at my hands, my arms.

I pushed myself to the edge of the bed, where I stood up to go to the bathroom.

My foot landed on something soft and warm.

"Merlin's fuck!" I shouted, jumping back on top of my bed. "What the fuck is that?"

I peered over my bed, looking to see what lay on the floor.

A dark mass was settled on the ground, stretching out.

Shaking my head, I reached over to my bedside lamp and turned it on. The pale yellow glow illuminated a face that was now too familiar.

"Kai," I sighed. "What are you doing in here?"

Kai sat up, stretching his arms as he did so. His hair was ruffled, and bags sat underneath his pale eyes.

"You look like shit, love," he scoffed, looking at me.

"Nonsense," I snapped back. I finally stood up, dodging Kai, and headed to the bathroom.

In the mirror, I looked the same as I normally did. My hair was a bit matted, my eyes a bit sunken.

"I'm just tired," I sighed again. "Not ugly."

Kai rolled his eyes a bit as he sat against my bed. "Did I forget to mention that the drugs you won tonight were extremely strong?"

"Hmm," I started, making it seem like I was deep in thought. "You know, I think I figured that out within the first five minutes."

Kai chuckled awkwardly, running his hand down the back of his neck. "I mean, do you need to talk about anything that happened?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, shutting off my bathroom light. I made my way towards my bed, sitting down on top of it. "I can't remember anything."

"You can't remember anything? Anything at all?" He asked again, his eyes asking for more.

"Uh, no?" I replied, my eyebrow starting to rise. "What kind of stick do you have shoved up your ass Kai?"

He laughed. "I'm not sure."

Kai was acting weird. Did I do something embarrassing? Dance on top of a table? Take off my shirt?

Possibilities scoured my mind as Kai and I sat in silence.

My thoughts were interrupted by a crisp breeze, making my window fly open. I rolled my eyes. This winter weather was getting to me. I've never been a fan.

I wondered how my garden was doing.

I reached for the window, peering my head outside of its gentle metal frame.

The early December wind rushed my face, making a red tint form on my cheeks. I looked beyond my window, out into the rolling French hills. The castle howled with the sky, the wind rebounding off of the carefully crafted stones.

I sighed, pulling my head back inside, closing the window behind me.

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