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draco malfoy

May 2, 1989, marks the worst day of my life.

That's the day I lost you.

My mind couldn't even wrap around the possibility of you being gone, even as I held your lifeless body.

I cursed and cried at the world because it seemed like it was always against you.

I blame myself a bit. I pushed you into an entirely different atmosphere that eventually lead to this.

I don't know which world I'd rather live in.

A world where I never got to feel your love, or a world where I was given the best years of my life?

Call me selfish, but I'd choose the second option.

Because your love has changed me, Lola.

You made me smile at the world and helped me to see the goodness it gives.

It is so hard to do that right now, because it took you away from me.

What good world would ever do that?

I'm trying to remember everything you taught me, but I'm hoping you can cut me some slack.

I wish you were here with me now. I don't know how to cope with the loss of you.

You were my anchor, Lola.

Without you, I'm lost at sea.

I close my eyes, hoping I can see images of you.

I never want to forget the sight of you. Those bright hazel eyes that would look into mine. Your long brown hair that you let me run my hands through. Your soft pink lips that I wish I could kiss one last time.

I never want to forget that sound of your voice. The
voice that calmed me. The voice that said 'I love you'.
The voice that even sometimes got mad and shouted at me.

You were never a villain, Lola.

I know you thought you were, but you were the only one who thought so.

You were so brave and strong.

And selfless.

You were so selfless.

And because of that, you weren't a villain.

I'm not sure what stories you've read, but from what I know, a villain never gives up her own life in defense of another. A villain never breaks free of one of the most powerful and deadly curses to exist.

But you did, and that makes you a hero.

Mark my words, Lola, I'll make sure that Adi is grateful.

I'll try my best not to resent her. I'll try to look at her and see a life that was worth giving up yours.

But you were never the villain.

Not then, not now, not in a million years.

Besides; villain, hero, whatever the world calls you, you'll always be mine.

Always and forever.

The war is over now, and Voldemort is dead.

I am standing in the astronomy tower, pushing back the bad memories and resurfacing the good ones that I shared with you.

I can now see why you find the world so beautiful.

I see a shooting star.

Is that you, Lola?

Suddenly, I see another.

The sky is filled with shooting stars, and I know it's you.

Not even a day later, and you're already with me.

You always were.

Sometimes, angels have to go back home.

And you, my Lola, are an angel.

A radiant, golden, angel.

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