twenty nine

879 22 176

draco malfoy

I carried Elodie in my arms up the grand marble staircase that led to our upstairs. Her hair fell lightly over my arms, and her eyelids were closed gently. Every step was gentle in an attempt to keep her at peace. She had fallen asleep on the blanket I had set up for us in the garden. I knew Elodie was sleeping when she stopped pointing out each new constellation she recognized.

She and I were meant to be under the stars.

I looked down at her face and saw that her cheeks and nose had been gently kissed by the sun. The small cluster of freckles that rested on her nose stuck out a little more boldly, hazed over by the red tint of her sunburn.

I turned at the top of the stairs to my bedroom and creaked open the door as quietly as I could. I tiptoed over to my bed and gently peeled back the silk covers. I lay Elodie down softly, trying not to disturb her. She sighed in her sleep as she sunk into my pillows. I smiled softly before taking off my shirt and climbing in next to her.

Careful not to startle her, I rubbed my hands together to make them warmer on her skin. My hands slowly wrapped around her waist, and I pulled her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her body and nuzzled into her neck. I could feel her every move. My chest began to go in sync with hers. I felt her every inhale and slow exhale.

Just being in her presence was enough to leave me at peace. As my eyes started to fall shut, I could hear the soft mumbles of Elodie.

"What was that, love?" I asked quietly, leaning over her and brushing her hair out of her face. When she didn't reply, I fell back down onto the pillow. I smiled a bit as my mind gently wandered off into sleep.

elodie phillips

I woke up to feel the cold chest of Draco Malfoy pressed against my back. I don't know why I hadn't slept with him before. His presence made me feel safe from anything, from any nightmare that wanted to taunt my sanity.  He made me feel protected.

I turned around to face the blonde boy. He was still sleeping. His bright hair fell over his eyes, lifting slightly with his every exhale. Dark circles teased under his eyes, but his eyelashes gently fluttered.

Draco Malfoy is really quite gorgeous.

I smiled and shifted my body to make myself more comfortable. I gently traced my finger along his face, admiring every divot and imperfection. His face twitched a little at the feeling of my touch, and his eyes fluttered open.

"Geez," he mumbled tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "Nothing like waking up with your fingers all over my face."

I laughed a bit, rolling my eyes as I turned over on my back. My gaze fell on the ceiling of his bed frame, and I could faintly see our reflections in the sleek black. "You know you like it," I argued, huffing and crossing my arms together.

"I guess so," he sarcastically replied, crossing his arms like mine.

I giggled as I gently kissed his nose. I could see pale red flooding into his cheeks, a gentle contrast from the dark purples under his eyes.

"You know," he started. "We go back to Hogwarts soon."

I grumbled as I turned my body towards him. I lay my hands under my pillow as I answered, "I don't want this summer to end."

"I know, Lola," Draco cooed, his thumb brushing my lips. "But hey, maybe you can come back next summer."

"That's true," I replied softly. "And we'll get to see everyone else again."

"That's an excellent point. I do miss them a bit."

"Yeah, me too."

Draco and I looked at one another for a quiet moment until he got out of bed. "Get up, love," he called, reaching out his hand for me to grab. I smiled as I grabbed it, feeling that same remarkable feeling I always do when his skin meets mine.

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