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elodie phillips

Almost one month. That's how long it has been since Cedric has last spoken to me. It's been almost one month since the second task.

In these three weeks, the snow had started to melt off of the Hogwarts grounds. Dewy drops rest on the branches that were once covered in ice. The corridors had finally started to warm up, but I still needed my cardigan. Rain-touched wind still managed to seep through the cracks of the walls.

I had lost hope. Cedric hasn't made an effort to speak to me. We hadn't talked for around three weeks. What kind of couple does that?

I've been using this time for my studies, although it was getting harder by the day. I lost a bit more motivation every time I woke up in the morning. Marcus tried to make me feel better. He invited me to hang out with everyone in the common room almost every night, but I always declined. Even Malfoy made an attempt to talk to me, but I wasn't interested.

I spent my nights laying lifelessly in my bed, just wanting to leave.

Today was a repeat of the day previous, and the day before that, and the day before that. Every day felt the same to me.

I was walking down the same corridor that I always walked through to get to charms. My hair was thrown up messily, and my robes were anything but clean cut. I sighed as I readjusted my grip on my books. My strides were slow and sluggish. I stopped listening to people's whispers.

They did nothing but hurt me.

"Ms. Phillips!" I heard the stern voice of Professor McGonagall shout from behind me.

I turned around, slightly confused. "Yes, professor?"

"I need to inform you of something, dear," she breathed.

I lifted my eyebrows, asking her to go on.

"There was a mistake in the second task."

A mistake? How?

"How is that possible?" I asked sharply. Maybe a bit too sharp.

"We simply chose the wrong candidate to be underwater. It is our mistake."

"How could you get that mixed up?" I snapped, frustration rising in me. "Cedric and I attended the Yule Ball together for merlin's sake!"

"Again," Professor continued. "It was our mistake. I just hope you can fix whatever problems that might have arisen from this."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Fix whatever problems," I mumbled underneath my breath. They waited nearly a month to tell me this. And fix whatever problems? I've practically lost Ced.

Without another word, I turned around, abandoning my plans to go to charms class. Finally, something that was new in my day. I needed to find Cedric.

I ran up the familiar steps to his dorm, moving so fast that I skipped a few steps here and there. I immediately pounded on his door, and I didn't wait for an answer. I swung the door open, revealing Cedric laying on his bed. He had a book in his hands.

"Ellie?" he asked quietly, sitting up.

"Yes," I replied. "Now, I'm going to apologize, but only for one thing. You have a lot of explaining to do."

Cedric nodded, his brown waves bouncing with his head. He closed his book and put it to his side.

I closed my eyes and huffed. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and for not listening to you. There was a mistake in the second task. It should've been me under the water."

"See?" he exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face. "I told you there was nothing to worry about!"

Tears started to fill my eyes as I spat back, "Why? Why did you not speak to me? Why did you spend time with her?"

He gulped. "I don't know," he mumbled.

"That's not an answer, Ced," I choked. Tears were now falling down my face.

"I needed someone to comfort me. I told her how much I loved you."

"Why did you avoid me for a month?"

"I didn't know what to say."

"If you weren't in the wrong then why did you avoid me?"

"I just felt like I was wrong anyway, and I didn't want to face you."

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I didn't know what to think. He's obviously hurting, but he's being cowardly. This boy could face a dragon and merpeople, but couldn't talk to his own girlfriend when he was angry.

"This is just a stupid fight," I concluded. "Let's just forget it, okay?"

I knew that he was still wrong, but I didn't want to fight anymore. I didn't need to prove that I was right. At least, not right now. I just needed him.

He sprang up from the bed and practically jumped into my arms.

And he cried.

He cried into my hair, running his hands through it. He sobbed pleas into me, holding me tighter with each one. I could feel the love through our embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Ellie."

"Please forgive me."

"I can't lose you again."

I smiled a bit into his chest, finally giving in to the hug. We loved each other, and we could get over this. I don't know why he was with Cho, but it was over now. I trust that nothing happened between them.

A few months have passed since then. Cedric and I were okay. Things were different, and they always will be. Regardless, we were okay.

My encounter with Malfoy from a few weeks ago had completely slipped my mind. I had Cedric now, and I was fine. I didn't need to open up to anyone like him, because now I have Cedric back.

As we got closer and closer to summer, the Triwizard tournament became the talk of the school once more.

The third task was steadily approaching. The champions had been told that the task was a labyrinth. The cup lay inside, and the one to retrieve it first was the winner. However, inside the maze, there were several obstacles.

Harry and Cedric were tied for first.

Ced and I didn't know how to prepare him, so we went over basic charms and reviewed all of his defensive spells. We read through textbooks about magical creatures, trying to learn all of their weaknesses.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him as we flipped through books.

"A little. I just hope I can get out. I hate mazes."

It's true. Cedric was keen on finding things. Navigating in a maze full of thick hedges was another. He would be okay. He always came out of these tasks.

Again, I'd just have to hope and pray that he would be safe.

Chapter 14! This one took me a bit longer to write, and even then it's poorly written. Sorry guys, I promise I'll make it up with the upcoming ones! However, the next few chapters are going to be easy to write. I have a lot planned...

Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment, and share with others! Grateful for all of you<3

Questions for the author?

QOTD: What is your patronus?

15 coming soon...

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