sixty seven

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elodie phillips

"Draco," I whispered.

He and I were laying in bed, his arm in my hands, and our legs tangled in a fit of knots. Our breaths were slow and steady, and I could hear the lazy beat of his heart against my ear.

This is the type of moment that I wanted to bottle up and keep forever.

He was so peaceful. He was so calm.

His skin was soft. I ran my fingers up and down as he talked, and the vibrations from his voice shot through my body.

"Yes, Lola?"

I loved hearing his voice. I could listen to him talk all day.

My voice went quiet as his hands grazed over my hair. He was gentle with me as if I were an expensive antique that could break at any second.

It wasn't too far off from the truth, but when we're together like this, I feel as solid as ever.

"I want to marry you," I spoke, my hands tracing his face. I felt the bone of his jaw, his soft lips, his cold cheeks.

"I've wanted that forever," Draco replied, and I started to trace the smile that spread on his face.

"What if we got married right now?" I asked, springing up from his side.

"We'd need a priest, Lola," Draco laughed a bit, sitting up beside me.

"We don't need one," I began, standing up to rummage around his room. "This world is going to shit anyway."

"Top right drawer," Draco instructed. I turned back to look at him, and I saw him pointing at his dresser in the corner of the room. "Over there."

I tilted my head with a confused smile but quickly made my way over to the drawer.

I pulled it out and gently picked through the neatly folded shirts. Suddenly, my hand felt something small and cold.

"Draco Malfoy," I gasped.

My hand grabbed a small ring that was delicately lined with diamonds and white crystals.

"I wanted to have one just in case," he explained, his hand rubbing behind his head.

I gasped again, purely in shock.

He was a real-life prince, and the best part is that I was the only one who knew.

But shit, I didn't have a ring bought for him. My eyes scanned the room, frantically looking for something to use.

I found a loose piece of string on the floor, probably from a shirt or some type of clothing. Clutching the ring tight in my hand, I went to go pick it up.

Finally, I sat back on top of the bed, handing him the ring and holding my hand out.

"I, Elodie Dorothea Phillips, take you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, to be my lawfully wedded husband," I spoke as I gently tied the string onto his finger. I pulled it tight, but not enough to cut off his circulation.

He laughed a bit and gently grabbed my hands. "I, Draco Malfoy," he started, his sweet grey eyes looking into mine. "take you, Elodie Dorothea Phillips, to be my lawfully wedded wife."

He carefully slid the ring onto my finger, and of course, it fits perfectly.

This entire night was a fairy tale.

"In sickness and in health," he continued, squeezing my hands.

"In sickness and in health," I repeated. I felt a jolt of electricity pulse through my body as Draco's hands grabbed onto my thighs.

He pulled me into his lap, and I was suddenly crowded with feelings of fear and excitement.

"Forever and always," I vowed, looking down at the blonde boy whose hands were now wrapped around my waist.

"Forever and always," he repeated in a hushed voice. It was low, soft, gentle.

"You may now kiss the bride," I joked teasingly, giving him a small smile.

But without hesitation, Draco's lips hungrily crashed onto mine. I let out a small gasp of surprise, but I kissed him back with the same passion.

"I love you," I breathed in between kisses. I couldn't help the smile that was growing on my face.

"I love you too," Draco laughed, his teeth gently pulling at my bottom lip. My stomach erupted into a field of butterflies, and I noticed a blush that was rising to my face.

"Have you ever had a guy kiss you like this before?" he asked huskily, sending chills down my spine.

"No," I replied immediately, my heart jumping into my throat.

"What about this?" Draco asked again, his hands guiding my waist forward and backward on his. "Has anyone ever moved you like this?"

"No," I answered again with my focus on my growing excitement.

He was gentle, and the look in his eyes was different than anything I'd ever seen. I've seen the way certain guys look at me.

I wasn't blind towards the lust I saw in Cedric's eyes, or even Kai's.

But there was no lust in sight with Draco. I looked into his eyes,

and in that beautiful grey color,

I saw love.

He loved me, and I knew that as his icy fingertips grazed the bottom of my shirt. He loved me, and I knew that when his eyes looked up at me, asking for permission.

I slowly nodded and Draco smoothly slid my shirt off of me, exposing my stomach and chest.

I had never been looked at this way before, but it was new, fresh, and exciting.

Still, on his lap, I leaned forward to kiss him. Our lips grazed each other, the hot air mingling between us. I felt Draco smile against my lips.

"Lola, just kiss me alre-"

My lips finally met his again, and as passion surged between us, my fingers gently went to unbutton his black shirt.

I undid each button carefully as Draco moved his hands to my back, not breaking the kiss.

A quick fumble with the clasps of my bra, and Draco slowly slid it off as I finally reached his last button to pull off his shirt.

I looked at him, and there were stars in his eyes. He quickly grabbed my waist and flipped me onto my back, this time rougher than before.

I watched as his silver chain dangled in front of my face, teasing the thoughts that were now flooding my mind.

"You're so beautiful," Draco whispered.

He gave me his signature smirk as he reached down to kiss my neck.

His lips were soft and warm, and he seemed to know exactly where to kiss me and how to do it. I quickly became breathless as his kisses trailed down my body.

A kiss on my chest.

A kiss on my stomach.

A kiss on my thighs as he slowly slid my pants down my legs.

"Is this okay?" he asked, his eyes meeting mine for reassurance.

"Yes, Draco," I replied breathlessly. "Please."

And suddenly, Draco Malfoy was mine.

I was his.

And somehow, neither of us seemed to pay much attention to the mark that tinted our arms.

Because it didn't matter.

Nothing did.

Except that I was his, and he was mine.

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