sixty nine

421 4 143

elodie phillips

may 2, 1989

When I said Hogwarts was different, I meant it.

It was no longer a place of learning, magic, or whim. It was a battlefield.

The death eaters were coming together to form a large herd in front of the school. However, Draco and I were tasked with something else.

The night that Draco and I were sent to identify the trio, Draco had gotten caught in a fight when hell broke loose. In doing so, he lost his wand.

He wanted to retrieve it from Harry.

I, on the other hand, was tasked with coercing Harry to his death.

"You will find the boy and lead him to me," Voldemort told me one ominous morning. "Make him trust you."

I could never fully wrap my head around why Voldemort chose me as his sidekick. I get it, everyone knows me and doesn't seem to have an issue with me, but does he think I would carry out his requests?

I have fought so many battles. The constant conflict raged in my head.

Where would I draw the line?

To what extent would I carry out these chores?

When will I put my own life before someone else's? I can't save everyone but kill myself in the process.

I'm not a hero like that.

Heroes don't have the dark mark tainting their wrists. If I was a hero, I would've done things differently. If I was a hero, I would've fought back instead of giving up all of my morals.

But everything was for Draco.

I sat up in bed, my arms hugging my knees close to my chest. I glanced over at Draco, who had his back turned to me.

My fingertips gently grazed his back. Everything I did was for him.

The time was 7 am. Everyone around us was preparing for battle.

As death eaters swarmed to the castle the other night, Draco and I waited back. We had carefully formulated a plan that would get us into the school.

Due to the impending battle, Hogwarts had taken extreme precautionary measures. They charmed the grounds so threats were unable to apparate in or out. Little did they know that death eaters had eyes and ears everywhere.

Draco and I would wait until the battle had started before we attempted to infiltrate the school. Distractions were good.

While we spent time at Hogwarts, we snuck the hairs of two Gryffindor students. It was careful and casual. They were younger, so they didn't suspect a thing.

A polyjuice potion.

Draco and I sat on the cold hard stone that was just a little outside of the school. We wore tattered clothes, making sure the rips were perfectly lined so that our marks wouldn't show.

"Bottoms up," Draco chuckled, trying to make light out of the situation.

Draco always had an incline in potions, so he was able to brew it so that the effects would only last a few minutes.

Enough to get us in and to Harry Potter.

I smiled back at him and slowly lifted the drink to my lips. Voldemort was watching us, and I could feel his gaze pierce through my soul.

However, he was nowhere to be found. He was off leading his massive army into the cobblestone courtyard of Hogwarts.

I felt like I wanted to throw up.

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