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A/N: In the next few chapters, I'll include songs at the top. I recommend that you listen as you read because it relates to the chapter!

Elodie Phillips was crumbling in front of me.

elodie phillips
I spent the last two nights crying. Cedric and I are barely speaking. Things like this never happened to us. Ever.

But I need distance. I need space. I can't even wrap my head around the fact that he could be cheating. I don't even know where he is right now, or what he is doing. Did I care? Maybe a little, but not enough to go out looking for him.

He walked out on me. He was the one who should apologize, and I haven't heard anything from him. He's been silent. No one has heard anything about him. According to Marcus, he goes to class and goes straight back to his dorm.

I know we needed to make up eventually, but I don't want to right now. I didn't feel like being with him. I just wanted time to myself.

I lay in bed, longingly looking at the butterflies dangling off the top. I closed my eyes and sighed, wishing I could just go home.

"Elodie, you need to get up and do something," Pansy snapped, interrupting my trance. "You've been in bed all day. Come eat."

I didn't want to, but I did for her. I sulked my way to the great hall, not wanting to see anyone. It was crowded with students. As I walked past the rows of tables, I could hear people whispering.

"I heard that Cedric cheated on her."

"I think so too. He's been in Cho's dorm a lot."

What? He's been in Cho's dorm? That's what he's been doing? Instead of thinking of ways to make it up he goes into his "friend's" dorm?

I worriedly looked around the crowded hall, and my eyes landed on him. His now cold grey eyes bore into mine. At his side, Cho. I felt my heart crumble. My world starting going blurry, and everything slowed down.

I could see Pansy rushing towards me as I fell to the ground. She waved her arms over my eyes, but I couldn't focus on them. People ran around me, and I saw a flash of a blonde. I just wanted to close my eyes, and I did.


I woke up in the hospital wing with Pansy, Blaise, and Marcus huddled around me.

"Oh finally!" Pansy exclaimed as my eyelids fluttered open. "You've been out for twenty minutes, that can't be normal."

I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Did Cedric come?" I asked. "He was in the great hall. He saw me pass out." I looked between the three of them, waiting for a response.

My friends went silent, exchanging sympathetic glances with one another. Without speaking, Pansy just shook her head lowly.

Of course, he didn't. Why would he? I should've just stayed in bed. It's worked for the last few days anyway.

Madame Pomfrey came over to my bed and told me I was okay to go. She suggested I put some fluids and food into my system. I just wanted to lay back down.

Another few days have passed without speaking to Cedric. This was ridiculous. By now, it's been at least two weeks since the second task. I knew this tournament was a bad idea. It has done nothing but tear us apart.

Did Cedric forget that he and I are still dating?

Another day and another night without him. I wanted to speak with him and to make up with him, but I couldn't bring myself to it. I have never seen him with Cho, but now that's all I see. Why would he start hanging around her now? When our relationship was on its last string? Why did he walk out on me? Why can't he tell me the truth? Why can't things be simple?

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