thirty one

803 23 56

tw: smoking
elodie phillips

Dumbledore approached his podium and smiled. I looked around the great hall, admiring the faces of people I know, along with the curious first years.

"We have some new staff this year," Dumbledore started. "Professor Umbridge will be taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts position."

His glance haltered towards a woman dressed in all pink. She smiled cheerily, her plump cheeks rosy. Dumbledore turned back to the student body and opened his mouth to speak. A quiet, high-pitched squeak stopped him from doing so.

Everyone's attention went back to the woman in pink, Professor Umbridge. She quietly stood up, smoothing down her suit. She swayed to the front of the teachers' table.

"It is so nice to see all of your warm faces smiling back at me," she started, admiring the crowd of students.

"Who the fuck is smiling?" I heard Blaise whisper to us. I covered my mouth to stifle my laughs. He had a point. Everyone was looking back at her with dead eyes.

"I am sure we are all going to be very good friends," Umbridge continued. She went on about the ministry, and how the headmaster at Hogwarts should preserve the school and its sacred history.

After she returned to her seat, I exchanged glances with the group. We all knew something was off about her.

"No one is that nice," Pansy stated as we all walked back to the Slytherin common room. "She has motives."

"Coming from the queen of manipulation herself," Draco scoffed, which resulted in a glare from Pansy.

"You like being the manipulator, Pansy, admit it," Blaise tapped in.

She huffed as we started our way down the stairs to the dungeon. I felt Draco grab my arm and pull me away from the group.

I smiled a bit as I whispered, "We can't sneak away yet. We just got here."

Draco rolled his eyes a little as I stood up on my tiptoes and softly pecked his lips. "Soon," I told him as I lead him back to the common room.

A cold breeze hit me as we stepped inside. I smiled, feeling comforted by the dark green ambiance. The fire was lit and warmed the area around the dark leather couches.

Marcus followed behind us, gently stepping inside. I walked back towards him and slung my arm over his shoulders. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. "I want my Marcus back."

"Yeah, yeah," he replied softly. "I'm surprised you moved on so quickly."

I stopped for a moment. "Well," I started. "He wouldn't want us to sulk around."

Marcus nodded quietly as he went up to his dorm. Blaise and Draco followed him. Pansy turned to me and grabbed my hands. "I'm so excited that we're together again," she sighed.

I smiled. "I'm excited too," I replied. We walked up the spiral staircase to the girls' dorms. We pushed open the sleek black door, unveiling our dimly lit room.

"No way," I started. "Do we get this to ourselves this year?"

Pansy looked at me with sarcastic eyes. "Obviously. There are only two beds. Still exciting though."

We settled in and set out all of our things. "Let's go down to the common room," Pansy suggested.

A distinct smell filled the common room as Pansy and I walked down the stairs. Blaise, Marcus, and Draco were circled in the middle of the room, passing around a joint.

I stopped in my tracks, disappointed in their actions. Pansy squealed and didn't hesitate to sit down next to them. She took the joint from Blaise's hands and deeply inhaled it in.

Draco stood up and approached me with red eyes. He grabbed my arm and led me towards the others. "You don't have to if you don't want to," he drawled out smoothly. He seemed so calm.

Meanwhile, Blaise was reaching his high. Pansy was laughing her head off as Marcus lit a new joint. He was never the sort to do these things.

Pansy held up the joint, offering it to me. "Want to try?" she asked, smirking. I hesitated, trying to decide between right and wrong. Why not try something new?

"Fuck it, " I answered as I sat next to Pansy. She placed the joint in my hand, and I lifted it to my lips. I slowly inhaled, taking it all in. As I moved it away from my mouth, my throat started to tickle. I coughed a bit as I passed it on.

Pansy laughed. "I knew she'd cough."

I rolled my eyes and snatched the joint back from Marcus. I deeply inhaled, taking it all in. I held back my coughs as I felt my body relax. I sat back for a few minutes, letting myself relax.

Pansy smiled and nodded. My head started to pound as the world started to spin around me. My eyelids felt droopy as I slumped back onto the couch.

I saw about four Draco's stand up and walk over to me. I didn't know he had siblings.

I woke up in my bed, my head pounding. Pansy was sitting next to me, filing her nails. "Oh finally," she said as my eyes opened. "You were high as shit."

"I don't know if I liked it," I grumbled.

Pansy sighed as she hopped down from my bed. "That's how it is the first couple of times. Also, I meant to take a little sip. Not inhale the entire fucking joint."

I laughed a bit, brushing my hair back and sitting up. "How long have you been smoking?" I asked her.

"It's not like I'm an addict. It's fun. Blaise and I started over the summer. Marcus was roped in because he was depressed."

My face fell in sympathy for Marcus. I was sad that he needed weed to escape his feelings. "Got it," I replied. I laid back down and stared at the ceiling of my bed. I thought back to the manor, and how it used to be him and me in the reflection.

I had just seen him but I already missed him.

Guys don't attack me I've never smoked weed so I wrote this chapter based on things I've read. If anything is inaccurate, just let me know so I can fix it! I know this chapter was a bit boring, but I just wanted to establish the new dynamic of the friend group since I didn't touch on their personalities in fourth year.

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QOTD: what's the most beautiful place you've ever seen?

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