thirty eight

609 15 51

elodie phillips

By now, nearly everyone in the school had known about Draco and me at the party. It received mostly positive feedback, and soon enough, Draco and I were the power couple of the school. Everyone knew about us. If I'm being honest, it really helped mend Draco's broken reputation.

However, the world continued, and I had things to attend to. The DA was running smoothly, and we were meeting weekly. I found myself getting closer with the Gryffindors every day. The Ravenclaws, more specifically, Cho, was a different story.

Draco was starting to get suspicious of me. Unfortunately, he and I were always together when I had to leave. My study date with Hermione excuse can only be used so many times.

"You better be learning a lot with Hermione, love," Draco told me as I got up to leave once more.

"Don't worry, Draco, I am."


The DA lessons were getting progressively harder. We had already covered defensive and offensive spells. Today we had an extended lesson. Not only were we dueling, but we were learning one of the best defensive charms, the Patronus charm.

The class was lined up in two rows, creating an aisle for the duels. Some looked nervous, others looked excited.

Harry stood in the center and gave us some guidelines. "Now, don't use any spells that can severely harm your opponent. Once the opponent drops on the ground or drops their wand, you win."

"Now, who would like to go first?"

Hermione stepped out, and Ron followed. "I'll go easy on you," he whispered to her. Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes as they took position.

Before Ron could even open his mouth, Hermione had him flying back towards the wall. She smiled victoriously as she took her place in the line again.

"That was brilliant," Harry complimented. "Who's next?" He looked up and down the lines, waiting for someone to volunteer.

"I'll go," a small voice answered. Cho Chang stepped out into the aisle. "Can I request an opponent?" she asked Harry innocently.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," he replied hesitantly.

"I choose Elodie."

I rolled my eyes as people started whispering all around me. I stepped out into the aisle, facing head-on with Cho.

She immediately fired a spell at me, which I blocked. I scoffed as I whipped one back. "Aguamenti!" I exclaimed. Water rushed out of my wand and flood the aisle, knocking Cho off of her feet.

Once she was down, I couldn't stop. "Stupefy!" I exclaimed once more, sending the stunner spell through her body. She groaned as her body crashed onto the floor again.

"Okay, okay, Elodie," Harry directed. "That's enough."

I smiled and brushed my hands together as I walked back into the students. People murmured as the tension rose in the room.

"Let's move onto the Patronus charm. The Patronus charm can only be conjured when you think of your happiest memory. This will create an animal, consider it to be a guide. It will ward off the dementors. The animal is based on your strengths, weaknesses, hidden capabilities, and characteristics."

Harry stepped back and closed his eyes. He raised his wand and took a deep breath. "Expecto Patronum," he announced, which cast a bright blue stag. It pranced across the room, creating positive reactions amongst the rest of the DA.

We split off into groups as we tried to cast the spell. I closed my eyes as I raised my wand.

My mind roamed through old memories, trying to think of the time where I was most happy.

I thought of running through my garden when I was little, clutching my teddy at my side. I felt a small stir in my wand. I thought of my parents opening up their arms to embrace me as I came home from school.

My mind then went to the beginning of my fourth year when Cedric greeted me on the train.

My wand stopped sputtering. I sighed and closed my eyes again.

This time, my mind wandered to the night. I saw the astronomy tower and that familiar blonde boy standing on the edge. Draco flooded my mind, and every memory made the smile on my face grow larger.

"Elodie, you're doing it!" Harry exclaimed. "Whatever you're thinking of, keep going."

My mind went to the society ball. Draco and I were running through the halls, laughing and out of breath. When we stumbled into that private study, and our lips locked for the first time. All of the memories that I recalled so fondly flooded my mind.

"Expecto Patronum!" I exclaimed, letting the memories take over me. I opened my eyes to look at my patronus.

A snake shot out of my wand, slithering through the air.

"What does it mean?" I thought aloud, hoping someone would answer.

"The black mamba snake has very powerful venom," Luna replied. "It also only appears to those with a special kind of mind and power. The venom can be used to be a fierce protector or a violent attacker."

"Oh," I gasped, wondering why this would appear for me.

"But that's up for you to choose," Luna smiled.


Hey guys! Just a little filler chapter for you all, and now you know Elodie's patronus! Was it what you were expecting? Not to give anything away but...Luna's insight was correct.

If you look up the meaning of a black mamba patronus it doesn't really suit Elodie. However, I changed the meaning a bit for the sake of the book. The black mamba patronus signifies a great amount of power, but also a fine line between good and evil.

Like always, remember to vote, comment, and share with others!

Questions for the author?

QOTD: What is your happiest memory?

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