thirty four

776 19 47

elodie phillips

The thought of the secret club roamed my mind. I was excited; I was doing something slightly rebellious. Unfortunately, I couldn't share my excitement with Draco.

"You can't tell anyone," Harry explained after Potions. "I'm serious. If anyone catches wind, we're done for."

"I won't tell a soul," I agreed. "Have you found a place yet?"

"I think so. Hermione and I are still testing it, but we're all meeting at Hogsmeade in a few weeks."

"Okay. Thank you, Harry."

Harry sped up, catching up to someone in front of me. "Of course, Elodie!" he exclaimed from ahead.

Classes with Umbridge were unbearable. I had barely been at Hogwarts for two months, but her dictator-like traits were showing prominently. She now refused to teach us, because she couldn't keep our class's attention. We simply read out of a book in silence for class time.

The weather was getting chillier, and the sky was getting cloudier as we moved into the winter season. The cold wind bit my nose as I walked to Hogsmeade. My footsteps gently printed the dirt path.

Harry had finally set up an initial meeting for his secret club. We were meeting in the Hog's Head, a small pub that strayed off the beaten path. I pushed open the large wooden door and was immediately greeted with the warm air from inside. I closed the door behind me, and I stepped amongst the other students that were already waiting.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat at the front of the room. Many Gryffindors were sitting close to them, with a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. I suddenly realized that I was the elephant in the room. The Slytherin.

I sat down next to Neville Longbottom, who was brushing his hands together to stay warm. Before I could start a conversation, Hermione spoke.

"Um- hi. So, we all know why we're here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher. One who has had real experience against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" A student whose name I did not know spoke up.

"Why?" Ron snapped in annoyance. "Because You-Know-Who is back you tosspot!"

"So he says."

"So Dumbledore says," Hermione intervened.

"So Dumbledore says that he says," the kid argued. "Where's the proof?"

Harry looked down at the floor as the kid said, "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed."

"I'm not going to talk about Cedric. If that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now," Harry announced, annoyance laced in his voice. He turned to Ron and Hermione and mumbled something as the group of students broke into whispers.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus charm?" Luna Lovegood asked, breaking the silent chatter.

"I didn't know you could do that, Harry," I said in surprise.

"Yes, he can. I've seen it," Hermione defended, standing up a bit straighter.

"Harry also killed a Basilisk," Neville added from next to me.

Small voices rose in agreement.

"He also fought about 100 dementors at once," Ron contributed, smiling at his friend.

"Last year, he did fight You-Know-Who in the flesh."

Harry gulped, not liking the praise he was receiving. "Listen," he started. "This all sounds great when you say it like that, but the truth is that it was all just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time, and I always had help."

"He's just being modest," Hermione interrupted.

"No, Hermione, I'm not," he argued. "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow. Out there, when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your don't know what that's like."

Harry's eyes glanced over to mine, shooting me a look of understanding. I quickly dabbed my eyes, wiping away any teardrops that had started to form. Harry sat down and looked at the ground once more.

"You're right Harry," Hermione agreed, sitting down next to him. "That's why we need your help. Because if we have any chance of beating...Voldemort."

"He's really back?" A quiet second year asked. Harry nodded his head in silence.

The mood chippered as Harry began to pass out the sign-up sheet. I eagerly signed my name as I approached the sheet. The top read, "Dumbledore's Army." The name made me shiver with excitement. Everyone in the room had signed up.

We all exited the pub together and journeyed back towards Hogwarts. I strayed towards the back, trying to make my way towards Harry.

"It's such a shame, isn't it?" A soft voice asked from behind me. I turned around to see Cho Chang, her sleek black hair blowing in the breeze. "Cedric," she elaborated. "He really was such a nice boy."

I forced a smile onto my face as I replied, "Yes, Cho. He was. I'm sure you knew him very well towards the end."

She giggled as she answered, "Yes. It's really so sad how things ended with you two."

"It's really so sad that it was all because of you," I mocked, rolling my eyes as I shoved past her. I ran up towards Harry and his friends as we crossed over the bridge towards the school.

"We need a place to meet," Harry explained. "A place where Umbridge can't find us."

people started to jump with ideas. "What about the Shrieking Shack?"

"Forbidden forest?"

"We'll get back to you guys," Harry replied. "Thank you all."

"Thanks, Harry," I said, rubbing my hand on his shoulder. I jogged ahead towards the entrance to the castle. The sun was setting, and the wind was chillier.

"Oh, hey, Elodie!" Harry exclaimed from behind me. I turned around, waiting for him to elaborate. "First meeting is in one week!"

I smiled, excited for the danger and adrenaline of this school year.


Sorry guys! No Draco and Elodie moments:( I will give you some soon don't worry! Thoughts?

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QOTD: Favorite season?

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