thirty five

695 19 89

elodie phillips

Professor Umbridge had now been hired as the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, which gave her the authority to fire any staff she pleased and create any rules that she saw fit. She had even created her own group of students, the Inquisitorial Squad. She had picked the members herself and made Draco the leader. Of course, Draco wouldn't stop talking about it.

They had been made to enforce the new rules being set at Hogwarts. This had made Harry a bit nervous. The DA now had another obstacle to dodge. Our first meeting was this evening in the Room of Requirement. I was fascinated when Harry told me about it. It was a room that would provide you with anything you wished for.

"She deemed me as the highest member of the Inquisitorial Squad," Draco boasted as we lay in front of the fire. He lay in between my legs, and I rolled my eyes as my fingers combed through his hair.

"Don't let your head get too big, Draco," I reminded. Being so close with Draco was finally a plus with the Gryffindors. I had an inside into Umbridge's secret plans. Although I hated using Draco in such a way, I knew that the DA needed to continue meeting.

"I think I have every reason to be proud," Draco argued. "Think of all the power she just gave me. I can dock points away from any students, even if it's just for fun. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want that?"

I scoffed and laughed lightly. I stopped running my fingers through his hair and rested them on the side of his head. "You just have to promise me you won't take away points or bully those first-year Gryffindors."

"Hey, why'd you stop?" He asked, looking at me with longing eyes.

"Don't try to change the subject, Draco. You heard what I said."

He sighed, rolling over, his head resting on my stomach. I watched his head rise and fall with my breaths. "Listen, Lola. I can't make any promises. As long as they don't annoy the shit out of me, which I doubt, then I won't take anything away."

I smiled and brushed my finger down his nose. "You're so petty," I joked. I glanced at the clock on the side table. The DA was meeting at seven. The time read six forty-five. I sat up, slowly pushing Draco's head off of me.

"What are you doing, love?" He asked curiously.

"I have a study date with Hermione," I lied.

"You're friends with Hermione?"

"Not particularly, but she's smart. If I can use that to my advantage, I'm passing the OWLS easy."

"I like your thinking," Draco replied with a smirk. "In that case, go. Have fun."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before grabbing my bag and leaving. I wandered throughout the corridors, trying to remember where the Room of Requirement was. I rushed pashed an empty wall but stopped after hearing the sound of stone carving itself. I turned around on my heels, and I watching as a door formed right in front of me. The stone doors opened.

I stepped inside, hearing the quiet chatter of students. I made my way over to Harry, who was talking with Cho. She shot me a dirty glare before stepping elsewhere. "Hey, Harry," I greeted.

"Hey, Elodie. Was it hard slipping away from Malfoy?" he asked.

I laughed. "No. However, Umbridge appointed him as the head of the Inquisitorial Squad, so he can roam the school at night and take away house points."

"Brilliant," Harry scoffed sarcastically. "Just what we needed. Sorry-"

"Don't apologize," I reassured. "I know you and Draco don't have a bright history."

The tensions between Harry and I rose but were quickly diluted as Luna swayed over. "You know," she started. "I just wanted to say how ethereal you looked today, Elodie." Her voice was smooth and dreamy, sort of like honey.

"Oh, thanks, Luna. That was very kind." Luna smiled as she went back towards her group of friends. With nothing more, Harry started the meeting.

"Hello everyone. I'm glad you were all able to make it. So, I figured I could give you all an outline of my plans for the upcoming weeks. This week, we will work on defensive spells. Next week, we will learn offensive spells and duel towards the end. After that, I'll teach you special spells, like a Patronus spell, that requires more training. How does that sound?"

Everyone nodded and gave sounds of agreement.

"Brilliant," he concluded. "Everyone gather around."

The first spell Harry taught was Expelliarmus, which was used to knock the wand out of the attacker's hand. We all formed a line and went one by one, practicing the spells on a wooden dummy.

Neville Longbottom was the first one to go. He was precious, really. At his first attempt, his own wand blasted out of his hand, causing people to duck. He laughed shyly.

The line went through fairly quickly, and most people got the spell after a few attempts. Soon my turn came, and I stood at the front of the line with Harry, looking the dummy straight in the wooden eyes.

"Expelliarmus!" I exclaimed as I flicked my wand. The dummy spun slightly, the wand flying out of its hand.

"Very good, Elodie!" Harry encouraged from beside me. I smiled, making my way back towards the others.

The DA meeting went by fairly quickly as we learned new defensive charms. We snuck out quietly, making sure to look out for Umbridge and her pawns.

I heard dainty footsteps catch up behind me as I sped to the Slytherin common room. "The Ravenclaw common room is the other way, Cho," I grumbled, not even needing to look back.

"I'm aware," she replied. "I was just wondering, are you dating Draco Malfoy?"

I rolled my eyes as I turned around to face her. "If we're getting technical, Cho, I'm not. But it's the plan."

"That's adorable, but isn't he like...a bad guy?"

"I'm sorry, since when did you become the moral compass?" I snapped. "Last time I checked, you knowingly allowed a boy to cheat on his girlfriend."

She stood frozen in her spot, her jaw hanging open slightly. "That's what I thought," I smiled. As I walked away from her I whispered, "Bitch."


Hey guys! Sorry this update took so long! I was totally slumped with school and found it hard to write. But I'm back:) Thanks for sticking with me lol.

As usual, make sure to vote, comment, and share with others! Thank you sm for 4k:)

Questions for the author?

QOTD: when does summer break start for you?

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