fifty seven

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elodie phillips

"Draco," I sighed in return as he held me closer than I thought possible. His touch sent electricity through my body. This feeling couldn't compare to anything.

He slowly let go of me, his hands cupping my face. Those grey eyes looked into mine, and everything made sense again.

I smiled at him as his eyes darted between mine and my lips. A grin formed on his mouth and he leaned in to kiss me.

His lips sent more electricity in me than before. I felt alive. They tasted of the same sweetness that I remembered, like berries after a hot summer day. I wrapped my arms around his neck and couldn't help but smile again.

I could feel his bright smile against my lips. It felt that it was something he hadn't done in a while.

draco malfoy

I slowly opened the door behind me, careful as to not break our kiss.

We stepped inside, stumbling a bit and laughing. We didn't care. This moment was filled with pure bliss.

I turned her around, grabbed her shoulders softly, and leaned her against the wall. She gasped only slightly.

I was careful as if she were a delicate antique worth millions of dollars.

However, she was priceless.

Lola had changed. I could feel it in her. The way she talked and moved. She was older now. We both were.

Tell me your story, love.

elodie phillips

Passion surged through me. It's been so long since I've felt love this pure. My hands grasped onto his neck, pulling him closer to me.

We were always pulling each other closer. We could never be close enough.

But this was enough.

With months of being so far away, it was refreshing to be so close.

I felt a gentle tug at my lip as Draco pulled on it. I giggled a bit, smiling into another kiss.

"I missed you so much," he breathed between kisses. I always loved it when he did that.

He picked me up and gently set me on the bed, crawling on top of me.

Heat rose to my face that I was unfamiliar with. Draco took a moment and stopped. He looked at me with admiration that I've never seen before.

draco malfoy

I have never seen a woman more beautiful.

She was like artwork. The kind that people would put in a glass case at a museum.

She was like the night sky that she and I used to so desperately watch.

You can't count the fucking stars, Phillips.

I remembered telling her that one lonely night. There was a silence between us that was comforting. She gave me the first loving touch I had gotten since I was young.

The thing is, Lola, is that you can count the stars. At least I can.


The one right in front of me.

elodie phillips

I wish I could freeze a moment like this in time. I could physically feel the love swirling between us.

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