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TW: Sexual Assault

"Are you okay?"

elodie phillips
I tapped my quill on my desk impatiently, waiting for class to begin. Why hasn't Pansy shown up?

Schooling was almost done for the year. The air was warm outside, and it was finally summer. The third task was nearing closer and closer. Was I nervous? Yes, but this time I finally had confidence in Cedric.

With a loud crash, Pansy entered the class with Blaise. She sat down next to me and panted, "Sorry I'm late. Have you heard about the party tonight?"

I shook my head, setting my pencil down. "Party?" I asked. "For who?"

"For all of the champions! It's in the Hufflepuff common room. Cedric is hosting."

"Oh," I answered. "He hasn't told me about it yet. I'll think about it."

I wondered why he hadn't told me. Probably just slipped his mind. Besides, I don't even know if I'd want to go. I'd rather just be on my own tonight. Last time I went to a party I got drunk and was slut-shamed. I'd rather not relive that.

"You should come Elodie!" she exclaimed, tugging at my arms. I turned my head towards her, and she was
giving me her puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Pansy, that look only works on boys. Not me."

She huffed and turned back towards the board. We hurriedly tried to scribble all of the notes that the professor was quickly writing on the chalkboard.

After the class was over, Pansy, Blaise, and I started heading for the common room. We had a free period before dinner.

"Ellie!" I heard someone shout. The irregular footsteps and voice told me it was Cedric.

"Hey," I greeted, stopping and turning around to face him.

"I want you to come to my party tonight," he invited, taking my hands in his.

I bit my lip and looked down. "I don't know, Ced. I have school work to complete and-"

"Oh cmon, Ellie! Just for tonight?" he begged.

"I don't know," I repeated. "I'll think about it. If I do, I'm not staying for long."

He smiled at me and brushed his thumbs over my hands. "Okay," he softly said. He quickly bent down and pecked my forehead, saying a quick "I love you!" before heading in the opposite direction.

"I love you too," I quietly replied.

"You're not going to the party?" Blaise asked once again as he wolfed down his dinner.

"No," I replied, playing with my food. "I'm just not feeling it tonight. I'm tired."

"Man, whatever you say," he replied, moving on to a different section of his plate.

"I can stay back with you," Marcus volunteered.

I smiled softly and shook my head, "You don't have to do that. I want you guys to have fun."

Pansy rolled her eyes and whined, "But Elodie! It's not a party without you!"

I laughed and replied, "I've skipped parties before and they've still been great. I don't need to be there."

"Isn't it Cedric's party?" Malfoy chimed in. He has been sitting at the end of our group this entire meal. In fact, he often did things with us. We just didn't acknowledge each other.

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