sixty three

521 10 214

elodie phillips

Suddenly, I didn't want to be at Hogwarts anymore.

Of course, people were happy to see me again, but they didn't know me like they used to. Hogwarts wasn't the same to me.

It was my home, but not anymore.

I have come to realize that Draco is my home.

Not when we were sneaking around the halls to work on the cabinet, like now.

But when we lay in bed together, dreaming of a better world, our hands entwined and our minds open.

That was my home.

I tapped my foot impatiently as Draco murmured the same incantation I've heard for the past few weeks.

Harmonia Nectere Passus

Harmonia Nectere Passus

They are words I never want to hear again after this is all said and done.

Weeks had passed since Draco and I moved back to Hogwarts. He and I were a pair, and we never left each other's sides.

Rumors went around, as they typically do.

I heard Elodie Phillips is pregnant.

Really? I heard that Draco and she are secretly married!

I wish that was the case. Instead, Elodie Phillips became a death eater to save Draco.

Romantic, right? Now we wear matching long sleeves.

I hadn't regretted my decision, of course, I hadn't. I just wish there was another way to save Draco.

But there wasn't, so I had to stop thinking about it.

Everything was already set in stone for me.

"Lola," Draco choked in a hushed whisper. "Come look."

I crept over to the tall dark cabinet, the doors creaking as I gently opened them. The white bird that he had placed in there previously now lay on the dusty floor, lifeless and weak.

My heart gently broke, as if it wasn't broken enough. A small life was already taken by the death eaters.

My mind wandered to the much bigger life that was to be taken this week.

"I'm going to be sick," I exclaimed, holding my stomach as knelt to the ground.

I didn't want to cry though. Instead, I sat on the cold concrete floor, slowing my breaths as I tried to keep my stomach down.

"I know," Draco hushed, kneeling beside me. His hands ran over my back in an attempt to calm me down.

This wasn't the first time that my job has caught up with me. Sometimes I feel as if I try to avoid my new reality, my new identity.

Fuck, that is what I do.

I haven't taken the time to come to terms with myself.

I wiped the slight sweat off of my forehead and rolled up my sleeves. I avoided my left arm. It was so hot.

The air outside was starting to become damp with humidity as the summer season reached closer and closer.

Soon I would be over with this wretched school year, but I knew that nothing will stop because I grow a year older.

Draco would be 17 soon. It broke my heart thinking about it. Nothing like celebrating your birthday after killing Hogwarts' headmaster.

Wouldn't want it any other way.

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