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elodie phillips

Pain. Physical and emotional. The pain was all that I felt when I woke up the next morning. My face was bruised, and my heart was broken.

Malfoy refused to leave me alone last night in fear that Cedric would return. He slept on the floor next to my bed.

My sobs kept both of us up all night. The man- the boy that I loved deeply had cheated on me, and he assaulted me. He was drunk, and he was a prick.

As much as it hurt me, I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I knew I couldn't have anything to do with him anymore.

I lay in bed, crying. Unfortunately, this isn't the first instance Cedric has made me feel this way. He wasn't the boy I fell in love with.

He wasn't the boy I knew.

Cedric was caring, warm-hearted, and selfless. The Cedric I knew now was cold, calloused, and stupid. It pained me to know that he was so overwhelmed that he resorted to other women and alcohol.

I know it's not Cho's fault, but fuck her for encouraging him. Fuck him for being there with her in the first place. Fuck everyone.

I looked down to my side, seeing Malfoy slumped against the side of my bed. His blonde hair was in disarray.

I decided not to wake him. We both had a long night. I quietly got up and went into my bathroom. My eyes were bloodshot and were shadowed by the dark circles that were starting to form under my eyes. On my cheek was a colorful bruise. The deep purples, pinks, and reds taunted me, teased me.

See what your boy did to you?

He doesn't love you anymore.

He's a monster.

I couldn't control myself. My lip quivered as tears started to spill from my eyes. They started slow until they were a waterfall.

I hated myself. I hated myself for allowing him to control me. I hated myself for not being able to see the clear signs.

Most of all, I hated myself for still loving him.

I watched the boy I love turn into a monster right before my eyes. This tournament got into his head, and now there was no saving him.

I still loved the boy that would take me on the most romantic adventures. The boy that would brush away my tears and hold me close. The boy that would count the stars for me if I asked.

My mind went back to the present, where I was slumped against the bathroom wall, bruised and broken.

I heard mumbling from outside the room, and I peeked my head out the door. Malfoy was getting himself situated after just waking up.

He looked at me with dark circles underneath his eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asked, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm okay," I replied, still tracing the bruise on my cheek.

"I can't believe he did this."

"He wasn't thinking straight," I responded. "He was drunk, confused, and alone."

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