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"How is it possible that I am so in awe of a girl that I am supposed to despise?"

elodie phillips

It was Christmas Morning. Just like a little kid, I sprung out of bed and rushed down the stairs to open presents. Marcus was already down there, and Blaise and Pansy sulked down the stairs after a good ten minutes. They were never morning people.

"Merry Christmas!" Marcus and I exclaimed, which was responded with tired mumbles. I looked under the gorgeously decorated tree, finding the gifts that went to us four. I pulled all the neatly wrapped gifts out from under the tree and handed them to the correct person.

"Merlin, why does everything have to be sorted?" Blaise asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"It's just organized!" I replied. Pansy rolled her eyes and stretched her arms out over her head. Her mouth opened wide as she let out a loud yawn.

The morning went perfectly. Everyone had loved the gifts that I had given them, and I loved the gifts that they got me. From Pansy, I got a candle and loads of sugared butterfly wings. From Marcus, I got a really fuzzy blanket with matching socks. From Blaise, I got a cookbook. I've always liked to cook, but I've never had good recipes. We all spent the morning laughing with one another in front of the warm fire and Christmas tree.

"Oh, Elodie! There's another present under here marked for you!" Marcus exclaimed, crawling around the backside of the tree.

"Really? From who?" I asked, sitting up.

"Doesn't say." Marcus handed me the present. It was wrapped in a matte black paper, and the tag only said, "Elodie".

I tore the wrapping off, anxious to see what was inside.

An old and fancy looking book titled, "Constellations; how and where to spot them" lay inside. I opened the book gently, and a slip of paper and a box slid out. I unfolded the paper, revealing a large map of the constellations.

"Oh wow," I gasped. I moved my attention over to the box. I took off the top and saw a gorgeous necklace. It had a gold chain, and in the middle was a gold outline of a star. A radiant blue gem lay in the middle of the outline. A star necklace.

"It's wonderful!" I exclaimed. "It must've been Cedric who got this for me. He knows how much I love astronomy."


I knocked on the door to Cedric's dorm. I couldn't wait to see him, and I wanted to thank him for his gift. He opened his door slowly, and his face lit up when he saw me.

"Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him. He pulled me close to him and rubbed my back.

"Merry Christmas, Ellie."

He motioned for me to come in, and I crashed onto his bed. Cedric was performing some type of magic. His dress robes floated across the room and steamed themselves. "Are you excited for tonight?" he asked.

"Of course I am!"

"Have you looked at your dress yet?"

"No," I replied. I had the dress hanging up on the inside of my bathroom. I had been anxious to see it all week, but I had promised not to open it. "I'm going to open it tonight...obviously."

Cedric chuckled and walked towards me. He sat down next to me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you for the gift, by the way," I told him. Cedric's smile faded a bit, and his face twisted with confusion.

"What gift?" He asked. I could see him trying to think if he had gotten one for me or not.

"The astronomy things and the necklace?" I asked, trying to spark his memory.

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