thirty three

801 16 98

elodie phillips

It took me a while to fall asleep that night. Detention with Umbridge was a nagging pain in my side. I tossed and turned, thinking about the extra time I now had to spend with that toad.

Cold hands gently shook me awake. "Lola," I heard a familiar voice whisper. I gently opened my eyes to see Draco Malfoy hovering right next to me.

"What are you doing, Draco? It's late," I mumbled tiredly, rubbing my eyes.

"Shhh," he cooed as he put a finger up to my lips. "Come on." His hand grabbed mine, and he pulled me out of bed.

We tip-toed out of my dorm, careful not to wake Pansy. Trust me, you don't want to wake her up.

A smile grew on Draco's face as he led me out of the common room. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, a smile growing on my face to match his.

"Just wait. And be quiet...Filch," he replied, putting a finger to his lips. We creaked open the portrait hole and gently stepped outside. Draco stepped in front of me as I trailed behind him.

We turned corners upon corners as Draco took me to his special place. Our footsteps stopped as we heard loud footsteps ahead of us. "Come on, Mrs. Norris. I think they're over here," we heard Filch crackle.

"Shit," Draco whispered harshly. He took my shoulders and spun me around a corner. I was pressed up against the wall, holding my breath as Filch passed.

It's not like I needed to hold my breath, Draco had already taken it away as his arms pressed against the wall above me. I could feel his frantic breaths on my face. His eyes darted into mine, and he smirked.

His cold hand traced my jaw as he smiled. He leaned in and I could still feel his smirk as his lips met mine. I couldn't enjoy it for too long, because he pulled away as quickly as he leaned in, his teeth softly pulling my bottom lip.

My face flushed a bright red as he smirked at me once more. His hand grabbed mine once more as we turned out of the corner.

After a few more minutes of turning corners, we finally stepped outside through a small side door. The old wood felt tough against my hands as I pushed it open.

I had never seen this part of the campus before. A large tree lay in the center of an open plain, with a small pond next to it. The moonlight glimmered off of the smooth reflection of the water, creating beams of light that scatter across the field.

A cute, hammock-like swing hung from the great tree in front of us. Draco turned back and smiled, leading me towards the tree. He gently sat me down, my body sinking into the net of the swing. He climbed in next to me, the swing now swaying gently. I curled my legs up as he got comfortable.

"How did you find this?" I asked curiously, looking at Draco.

"I've had some downtime over the past few years that I've used to explore," he replied softly. He turned his body towards mine, and I grabbed his hand.

I fiddled with his fingers in between mine, my fingertips running down each one. I admired the beauty of them, and the softness of his skin.

"Are you playing with my hands?" he asked, a smile growing on his face.

"Well yeah," I replied. "Is that okay?"

"Of course it is. It's cute."

Draco turned his body into mine, his hand falling out of my grasp. He gently lay on my chest, letting out a sigh as he did so. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands rubbing the bottom of his head, tracing the bottom of his hairline.

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