twenty six

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draco malfoy

I took pleasure in figuring out the little things that made Phillips angry. I chewed with my mouth open at breakfast, much to father's disappointment, and left messes everywhere I went.

"You're acting like a toddler," she spat at me as she picked up one of my messes.

"Yet you're still cleaning up after me."

Her eyebrows scrunched up like they always do when she gets mad, and she huffed before storming back upstairs. She slammed the door to her room shut. This is her fault, not mine.

I will not allow myself to be fooled again and again by her. She drew me in, but every time I reached closer to her, she pushed me back out. I felt like an idiot.

She still loved him.

elodie phillips

The new tension between Malfoy and I was intense and hateful. He was back to throwing his pity party like he usually does. Malfoy had the maturity of a child.

He knew how to make me angry, and took advantage of that. I wish I could slap that ridiculous smirk off of his face.

I sat at the dining table, eating a smoothie bowl I had made as a mid-morning snack. I slushed it around in my bowl, watching the berries disappear and reappear.

The hairs on the back of my neck rose as I heard a low voice.

"What are you doing eating here all by yourself, Phillips?"

I dropped my spoon for my hands, nervously turning around. I sat myself up a bit straighter in my seat and pressed a smile.

"Just relaxing," I answered vaguely.

"Your relaxing will have to end soon. The ball is tonight, and I expect you to be ready to leave by 5:30."

I nodded respectfully and went back to my food. I let out a sigh as I heard Lucius's swift footsteps become more distant. My head fell into my hands, with my hair falling in flowing pieces over my eyes.

I trudged back up to my room and stripped off my clothes. I let them fall behind me as I turned on the water in the shower. Steam started to fill the room, and I stepped inside, smiling when I felt the hot water touch my skin.

I let my hair down and tossed the hair tie to the side. I took these moments to just enjoy the alone time I was getting. It was hard to go anywhere without Malfoy pestering right behind me.

I jumped loudly and let out a scream as I heard the toilet flush. I angrily peaked out from the shower, pulling the curtain over my body.

A cascade of blonde hair was peeking around the room.

"What the fuck?" I spat angrily.

Malfoy jerked up, and gave me a mischievous smile. I rolled my eyes. He was acting like he didn't know what he was doing, and it pissed me off.

"Oh hey, Phillips. I'm sorry, I had no idea you were in here."

"Fuck off."

"Woah," he exclaimed, running his hands though his hair as he admired his reflection. "Someone's a bit feisty this morning." He shot me that stupid smirk before he started nearing the door.

With one last glance around the room, he slyly noted, "Nice panties."

I felt my face go beet red as his eyes darted down to the red lace pair that was laying on the floor. "You're a pervert." I heard the door shut, knowing I could finally get back to my shower.

My skin was warm to the touch as I lazily wrapped my towel around me. I creaked open the bathroom door, hoping Malfoy wouldn't be there.

Much to my disappointment, there he was. He was sprawled out on my bed, picking through my books. "This one's a good read," he commented, holding up a book.

"Get out," I spat.

Malfoy got up from the bed and looked at me with stone eyes. He slowly made his way towards me. My breaths became shaky as I slowly stepped back. His movements didn't falter as he continued to draw closer.

Cedric towered over me, his hands pressed against the wall behind me. As his face crept closer to mine, I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Take your...your shirt off," he told me firmly.

I gasped and shoved Malfoy off of me, grabbing a hold of my towel to make sure it stayed on. His face fell a bit. He looked at me for a moment, trying to figure me out. When he did, his face dropped significantly.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him. "Yeah," I interrupted. "Please leave."

Without another word, Malfoy left my room. I tried to shake off the uncomfortable memories, but I had done it for so long.

I needed to face the reality of what Cedric did.
I set my ring on my bedside table and left for the bathroom. Baby steps.

I didn't hear from Malfoy for the rest of the afternoon. I got ready on my own, which was actually fun. I played some muggle music and just took some time to let loose. I threw my hair into an elegant up-do and put together a subtle makeup look.

I felt beautiful. I clasped in some silver earrings and took a spin in the mirror.

I heard Narcissa calling from the main floor. "Coming, Cissy!" I replied, slipping on my silver heels. I grabbed my clutch and started to head downstairs.

I heard Narcissa gasp near the grand front doors of the manor. "I knew that dress was perfect," she admired, smiling brightly at me. The Malfoy men stood by the front door, not as interested as Narcissa was.

"Thank you," I replied, smiling. At the sound of my voice, Malfoy lifted his head. His eyes looked into mine. They weren't cold, but they certainly weren't bright either. They were begging at me. The only problem was I didn't know what they were begging for.

"Draco, take Miss Phillips's arm," Lucius instructed. Without his usual small smile, he hooked his arm in mine and we walked out of the manor together.

He didn't say a single word.

Hey all! First road trip chapter haha! I'll probably write one more today and publish tomorrow. I'll try to write other days but I'll be busy on vacation. Hope you liked this chapter!

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Questions for the author?

QOTD: tell me about you! what extracurriculars do you take part in? if you don't have any, what are your hobbies?

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