twenty four

919 21 78

elodie phillips

Lucius's presence made things tense throughout the Malfoy manor. However, that didn't stop Malfoy and Narcissa from being themselves behind closed doors. Malfoy and I were getting along great, with occasional advice from Narcissa.

He was still confusing. I was starting to understand the dynamic of his relationship with Lucius, at least from the surface level. I can tell that Malfoy doesn't want to disappoint his father. He was always standing up straight near him, using phrases like "yes sir" or "yes father". His spunk disappeared.

I learned to act the same by Lucius just by seeing the joy erase from Malfoy's face whenever he was near. I was prim and proper. I couldn't afford to slip up around him. You would think that his close friendship with my father would help me, but it didn't offer me much of an advantage.

Malfoy and I mostly hid in our rooms as Lucius prowled the other floors. We could finally let down our guard. We were getting to know each other, and the hours we spent with one other helped me realize that he's more than an arrogant dick.

"You thought that about me?" He asked once more in disbelief as we sat on his bed.

"Don't act like you don't know it!" I argued back, laughing with him.

"Okay fine," he surrendered, throwing his hands up in the air. His grey eyes shone an unfamiliar shine. He looked happy. "I was a dick to you sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I asked, knowing he was purposefully downplaying it.

"Okay, a lot."

"That's what I thought," I snapped sarcastically, smirking at him.

"Oh, hey!" Malfoy exclaimed, shooting up from the bed. "You need to get ready for your day with mum!"

"How could I forget?" I cheered, standing up and letting my hair down from the loose ponytail it was in. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" I asked as I looked at myself in his mirror, trying to give my hair some type of volume.

He looked at me through the mirror and smiled. "I'm alright here," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Are you sure you want to be here with him?" I asked more specifically, giving him a look that screamed "I know you don't want to."

He smirked a bit and answered, "I should stay here. It's your girls' day anyways, whatever that's supposed to mean."

I laughed and sighed. "If that's what you want. Just don't miss me too much."

"I'll try my best but you know I always will," he chimed, shooting me an arrogant wink as I opened the door.

"You're ridiculous, Malfoy," I scoffed playfully as I stepped outside the bedroom. I couldn't help but notice the smile that was now growing on my face. I took a moment to take it in and try my best to understand what was happening. I wish I could talk to Malfoy about this, but he's not one for deep conversations. At least not right now.

I practically skipped down the stairs to the happily awaiting Narcissa Malfoy. She was dressed in a formal jumper, and I praised her. "Narcissa! You look beautiful as always."

"You're the sweetest, Elodie. I wish I could keep you to myself," she replied, scrunching her nose a bit. She turned to a side table and grabbed her clutch. She took my hand and smiled at me. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied, closing my eyes. I anxiously anticipated the churning feeling of apparation, and sure enough, it came. But still, there was a new sense of happiness instilled in me that hadn't been there before. Apparation couldn't even shake this.

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