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"You can't count the fucking stars, Phillips."

elodie phillips

The next week was pure bliss. Cedric was given a break from his champion duties, although the fame didn't go away. Paparazzi were everywhere. One night, Cedric and I were eating at the Three Broomsticks and were swarmed by interviewers. They spat questions in our faces.

"What will you be wearing at the Yule Ball?"

"Do you have any special plans?"

"Are you and Elodie just for show?"

It was totally bombarding. However, I didn't mind being a champion's girlfriend. Now and then, I'd get my five minutes of fame. That's all I needed. I don't think I'd be able to remain sane if I was under the constant watch of the media like Cedric is. Nonetheless, he always found time for me.

Hogwarts was buzzing with excitement. Girls were running to Hogsmeade to buy dresses, and boys were rushing to buy flowers. The Great Hall was slowly starting to become decorated. Hagrid carried in two large Christmas trees like he does every year. I adored Hogwarts at Christmastime. There was something in the air that was just so...pleasant.

Even the teachers made sure we were prepared. Professor McGonagall had strayed away from her lesson plan so she could teach us how to waltz. My mother taught me how to waltz a long time ago when I was young. It was simple, really. All you had to do was four simple steps in a manner that flowed with the 3/4 time signature.

My partner was Harry. He was quite bad. He struggled to find a flow, and he had very choppy movements. It's alright, though. We're all learning. It was amusing to watch him stumble every other step. However, I set him on the right path after I taught him a few of my tricks.


Pansy, Marcus, Blaise, and I were all sprawled out on the common room floor. It was Christmas Eve, and we were all anxiously awaiting the yule ball. Tomorrow night.

"I'm so glad you asked Adrian," I told Pansy. She looked up from her hands quickly, which she had been twiddling nervously.

"Well, I wasn't going to wait around," she snapped back, rolling her eyes playfully.

Blaise and Marcus looked totally shocked.

"Isn't it the guy that's supposed to ask the girl?" Blaise asked, looking between Pansy and me.

"Well, if the guy is too cowardly to do it, then hell yeah, the girl can ask!" Marcus replied, leaning back against the sofa. I laughed and nodded my head in agreement.

"Did you ask anyone, Marcus?" I asked, tilting my head a bit. A bright red rose to Marcus's cheeks. "Oh my gosh, you totally did!"

"Oh c'mon!" Blaise exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "Everyone has a date except me?"

"Don't worry mate. I doubt anything will come from this. I asked Daphne Greengrass."

"She's...alright," Pansy hesitated. She and Daphne didn't have an easy time getting along.

"Alright?! She's smoking hot-"

"I meant personality, you shallow arse! Yes, she's pretty, but she's a bit dense."

I laughed loudly as my hand slapped over my mouth. We all laughed together and finally went off to our dorm rooms. We had stayed up very late into the night. It was well past two. Pansy was able to fall asleep instantly.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the same experience. Horrible dreams left me tossing and turning for over an hour. In every dream, Cedric had forgotten who I was. I approached him cheerily, and he pushed me away. He gave me disgusted looks and spat foul words at me.

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