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"Do you ever shut the fuck up?"

elodie phillips

As we neared the end of January, the snow had become a much more common sight. The campus was dreamlike, with soft peaks of crystalline snow forming at every turn. The branches of the now-dead trees were covered in a perfect sheet of ice, highlighting the uniqueness of each one.

The corridors inside the school had become exceptionally cold. You would think that they could heat the school with magic, but no. Luckily, I had learned a self-warming charm that I now perform every time I'm in the corridors.

I shivered slightly as I made my way to defense against the dark arts. I didn't mind the class, but it's not my favorite. However, it's definitely useful, so I make sure to pay attention.

Professor Moody, or "Mad-eyed Moody", is a character. That's one way to put it. He is very strict and teaches us horrid things. They are very real things that could happen, but horrid. Most students can't handle his lessons.

I entered the class quietly, sitting down in my normal spot near the front. I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for Blaise to arrive. Mad-eye was shuffling through papers at the front of the classroom, occasionally grunting.

I wasn't the only one in the classroom. Merlin, that would've been awkward. A few Gryffindors that I've never met sat in the back, cracking jokes. I rolled my eyes a bit.

Finally, the door thrashed open, revealing the rest of the Slytherins. I smiled as Blaise made his way to our desk, slamming his stuff down. He was nearly out of breath from laughing so hard. "Malfoy was-" he started, trying to contain himself. "He was turned into a bloody ferret!" He slammed his hand down on the desk as he burst into laughter once more, causing a chain reaction throughout the classroom.

As if it were on cue, Malfoy entered the classroom, his robes mangled and his hair ruffled. The chuckles quieted slightly as he glared at everyone.

I covered my mouth as a giggle slipped out from my lips. Malfoy whipped his head to face mine, his eyes glaring through me. "Do you ever shut the fuck up?" he spat.

So much for Malfoy being nice. The idea of him being nice to me for good finally slipped my mind. It was foolish of me to think he changed at the yule ball, people like him don't change.

Mad-eye slowly turned from his desk. "Malfoy, if you use language like that one more time in my classroom I will not hesitate to turn you into a ferret again."

Blaise whistled and hooted at his comment. Did he have a death wish? Malfoy once again shot his head towards us, wanting to say something poisonous.

Mad-eye took the opportunity from him, striking his wooden peg on the ground. The room went dead silent.

"Today," he started, pacing the front of his desk. "We will be talking about the unforgivable curses. How many are there?"

"Three sir," Hermione shot out.

"And why are they named unforgivable?"

"Because, they are the most deadly curses, and performing them is unforgivable."

"Yes," he nodded, still pacing. "Ronald, give me a curse."

Ron jumped out of his seat, nerves I'm guessing. His voice quivered as he answered, "Well, my dad told
me about one. The Imperius curse."

"Ah yes," Moody replied, turning towards his desk once more. He gently opened a jar from on top of his desk, and a small spider crawled into his hand. He mumbled a few things and soon, the spider had grown to the size of his palm.

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