twenty five

891 22 137

elodie phillips

I was trapped inside of a cage. My knuckles were scratched and bruised. I tried to claw my way out, but nothing was working. Tears stained my cheeks as I begged to be let out. My tired hands grasped the bars and shook them violently. I could barely see anything except a dim light. I fell to my knees, which were dripping with blood. I needed to get out.

A light flicked on from outside, and I jumped. A dark hooded figure slowly crept in front of the cage, and I could feel the life drain from me as I looked at it. It reached a hand behind its back and pulled someone from behind them.

I heard muffled sobs, and I shuddered as the face was revealed to me. It was Cedric. His face looked starved. His hair was thinning, his eyes were sunken in, and his cheekbones caved in dangerously. I cried out and leaped out towards him, but scratched myself against the rusting metal of the cage. I kicked, screamed, and begged to be let out. The hooded figure wouldn't listen to me. Instead, it threw Cedric around like he was a rag doll.

Voices started to pierce my head. They were calling my name and telling me not to go.

"Phillips! Phillips!"

I jerked awake, my body heaving as I struggled to control my breathing. My eyes shot to my bedside table, where Malfoy kneeled. The dull candlelight illuminated his face. I bit my lip in an attempt to hold back my tears, but I couldn't. My body shook as tears spilled from my eyes. I kicked the covers off of me, looking at my knees.

They were perfectly unharmed. I continued to touch them, making sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. My bed caved in slightly as Malfoy sat on top of it. He looked at me for a moment. After a moment of hesitation, he pulled me close to him. He wrapped his arms around me, stroking my back. I shuddered as his icy hands made contact with my sweat-drenched skin.

He pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me a little tighter. I closed my eyes and buried my face into his chest, trying to control my sobs. I could feel his chest moving slowly, and I tried to match his pace. His head was rested in my neck, and I could feel his lips graze my skin.

Malfoy pulled away, placing his hands on my shoulders. He moved on up to my cheek, making me lose any progress I had made in calming down. He looked into my eyes intently. "I want you to breathe with me," he instructed. I nodded against his palm, which sent chills down my spine.

His lips parted slightly as he deeply inhaled, and I copied. He gently let it out. We followed each other in a slow pattern until my breathing was steady again. A soft smile teased at the corner of his lips as his hands trailed down to mine.

"Why were you checking your knees?" He asked as he calmly squeezed my hands.

"They were bleeding," I tried to explain.

"Were you in the cage again?" Malfoy asked, concern growing in his eyes.

I nodded softly, looking at his somber figure. I closed my eyes as I felt his arms wrap around my body once more. I sighed, leaning into him.

"I don't know how I'd get through these nightmares without you, Malfoy," I confessed, my sound slightly muffled by his skin.

"Don't get too excited," he teased in return. "I only help because you keep me up at night."

I laughed a little bit, and I noticed that goosebumps formed on his arms. He started to stand up to leave, but something in me reached my arm out to stop him.

"Can you stay?" I asked, my voice breaking slightly.

He swallowed as he looked around my room. His grey eyes made their way back to mine. "Yes, I can, Phillips."

I felt a heat rise to my cheeks as he climbed into bed next to me. As he got comfortable, he pulled me closer towards him. My head rested on his bare chest, and I could hear his heart beat lazily.

His hand rested on my head, and he ran his slim fingers through my hair. I grabbed his other hand and put it into mine. I fiddled with his fingers, intertwining them with mine.

I felt calm. The movements of his chest were my guide, and his heartbeat was my pacer. My attention went back to my ring, which glinted slightly in the candlelight. Before I could ponder on it for too long, I slipped it off my finger and set it on the bedside table, blowing out the candle with a sharp breath.

"This is okay, right?" I heard Malfoy ask from the opposite side of me.

I turned back around, snuggling back into his chest. "Yeah," I replied. "I just need someone right now."

"Yeah," he whispered in reply. My mind swirled with hundreds of questions. How did I get to this exact moment? How did I get into the same bed as Malfoy, the arrogant rich prick from school?

Wait. What was I doing?

I pushed myself off of his chest, sitting up in bed. I looked down at him. His eyelids were gently fluttering, and his lips were parted slightly. His jaw tensed at the feeling of my hands on his chest.

His eyes opened. "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up beside me. "Did you have another nightmare?"

"No," I replied hastily, putting Cedric's ring back on my finger. "This isn't right."

"What isn't right?" Malfoy questioned again.

"This!" I exclaimed, motioning to the bed. "This is wrong."

Even in the dim lighting, I could see his expression drop. His jaw tensed more than I thought possible, and his eyes grew cold. They now bore into me as he stood up.

"You were the one who asked me to stay," he spat, throwing his shirt back on. "You wanted this."

"I wanted someone to be there for me. But this is too much."

"I have been there for you! What else have I been doing this entire fucking summer?" He shouted, now pacing around the frame of my bed.

I didn't say anything. I instead looked at him with wide eyes. I wasn't expecting him to get this mad. He continued to huff and mumble under his breath, his hands now on his hips as he paced the room.

"Fucking telling me to stay...leading me on," he breathed.

"Leading you on?" I asked, wanting clarification.

"Fuck off, Phillips."

Without another word, he stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I lay stunned in my bed, still trying to process what just happened. I was wrong to think he was different. Once a prick, always a prick.

draco malfoy

I was wrong to think she was different. She's still the same slut that I called out at a party months ago. She didn't want me. She wanted just wanted someone to tend to her needs so she could get over her dead douchebag boyfriend.

I was stupid to think she was as golden as people claimed. Now I have to spend the rest of my summer with her.

I just want to be somebody to someone.


I love this chapter so much. They had a cute moment for a quick second haha! Updates should be coming consistently because I'll have two 10 hours car drives on my way to spring break, so there are no excuses to not right. I'm hoping to push out 3-5 chapters, but I can't make any promises.

Remember to vote, comment, and share with others! Thank you all so much for reading. It means the world<3

Questions for the author?

QOTD: Any fun plans for spring break?

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