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elodie phillips

I woke up, my head pounding. I rolled over to my side and groggily opened my eyes. "Good morning, Cedric," I mumbled tiredly. When there was no response, I finally opened my eyes completely. Cedric was gone. I shot up out of bed and looked at the time: 10:26

Shit! Classes started over an hour ago! I bolted over to Cedric's bathroom and used his hairbrush to try to tame my tangled brown waves. After frantically searching his bathroom, I realized that I could not possibly get ready here. I love him, but I am not using his toothbrush.

I threw on one of his Hufflepuff crew necks, which was slightly oversized, and a pair of black sweats I had left in here from weeks ago. I swiped my golden dress from off the floor and practically jumped down the flight of stairs as I rushed to my dorm.

I stepped out of the common room and into the corridors. I felt the cold pavement on the bottom of my feet. Horrified, I looked down and realized I didn't have any shoes on. Oh my. I started running through the corridors, hoping and praying that I wouldn't run into anyone.

I heard footsteps from behind me, and I didn't even bother to look back. I'm not talking to anyone right now. I am late, and I am hideous.

"Phillips, you look homeless!" I heard Malfoy shout from across the corridor. I didn't reply but instead held up my middle finger high up so he could see. Fortunately, I didn't run into anyone else. I rushed down the cold stone stairs to the dungeon and quickly spat out the password.

At this point, my first class was already over. Luckily, it was Care of Magical Creatures so I'm sure I could make it up with Hagrid this afternoon. I closed my eyes and thought for a moment. Yes, now I have potions. I ran up to my dorm and saw Pansy practically passed out on her bed.

"Pans, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Ugh," she grumbled. "Don't talk to me. I'm sooo hungover."

"I'm not surprised, you were quite the animal last night," I replied. Pansy laughed into her pillow, which eventually turned into another groan.

"Are you skipping classes today?" I asked as I pulled off Cedric's crew neck. I fumbled through my dresser and found a black Slytherin sweater. I threw this over my white collared button-up.

"Of course I'm skipping classes. My head is pounding so much I can barely think," Pansy replied.

I quickly threw on my favorite white pleated skirt and sighed, "Pansy, I'm sorry to hear that, but I must get going. I have Potions, and you know how Snape is."

"Good luck with that," she mumbled.

"I hope you feel better Pans," I told her as I brushed through my hair. I quickly threw on some shoes, grabbed my textbooks, and power walked through the corridors. I couldn't afford to be late to Potions. Even though Snape was the head of the house, I didn't want to take any chances.

Luckily, the potions classroom wasn't extraordinarily far from the common room. I quickly burst through the door, seeing Snape just starting his lecture. With such a loud entrance, there was no way I could sneak to a spot.

"I hope you got the attention you wanted from such an entrance," Snape drawled out, which caused a snicker from Malfoy and his cronies.

"I'm sorry, sir. I won't make such an interruption again," I quickly apologized.

"I'd hope not. Please have a seat," Snape spat back. I nodded and quickly slipped into a spot next to Marcus.

"Good morning sunshine," he cheerily said.

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