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draco malfoy

I tucked the corners of my sheets into my bed. My family has been tidying things all morning with the help of our house-elf. He did most of the work, though. The Malfoy's don't clean.

Phillips was going to stay with us for the summer, and she would be arriving today. I'm still trying to decide if I liked this or not. She had her good moments, but I really don't want her strutting around like she normally does.

Then again, she was different now. She was quiet and calm. I didn't mind it at all, but I knew it was because she was grieving. So actually, Phillips may just be such a pain in the ass that we have to send her back home.

Mum would never do that. She and Mrs. Phillips were very close, and she would treat Elodie as her own.

Elodie will probably replace me in my own household. Mum has always wanted a daughter. I rolled my eyes and scoffed as I looked around my room. I heard a loud knock on the door below me, and it echoed through the house.

elodie phillips

"You have everything packed?" Mother asked gently, looking around my room.

"I think so," I replied. "Why do you guys have to leave this summer?"

Mother smiled and hugged me. "You're so strong, Elodie. You can get through this."

I smiled at these words. I am strong.

We apparated to the Malfoy manor. The sight of it sent chills down my spine. Grand hedges surrounded each side of me, towering above me. I shuddered.

Was this the last thing Cedric saw?

I imagined him in the maze, surrounded by nothing but hedges and obstacles. Not his friends and family. Not me.

I tried to brush off the thought by focusing on the manor itself. The manor looked just as proud as the family that dwelled inside.

My mother knocked on the door, giggling excitedly at the thought of seeing her best friend.

draco malfoy

Mum squealed as she raced to open the door. "Estelle!" I heard her exclaim. I creaked open my door and looked over the grand staircase into the entrance below. She was embracing Elodie's mother tightly.

"And you!" Mum moved on, placing her hands on Elodie's shoulders. "You have gotten so big! I haven't seen you in ages! I'm so glad you're staying with us. Draco!"

I jumped in my place as she called my name. I exited my room and moved swiftly down the stairs. I politely greeted Mrs. Phillips. Elodie didn't look at me.

"Why don't you show Elodie around while I catch up with Estelle?" Mum suggested softly, rubbing my arm.

"Of course," I replied.

elodie phillips

"You can show her to her room first," Narcissa added.

The manor was very contrasting from mine. Dark hues dully shone throughout the empty halls. I don't know how anyone could live here. It was gorgeous but grim.

Malfoy took my things and started heading up the stairs. He didn't speak to me, and I'm not sure why.

"The rooms are upstairs," he finally spoke. "Your's will be on the left end of the hall, and mine is on the right. Bathrooms are connected to the inside of the bedroom."

"Thanks," I replied. He handed me my things at the top of the stairs and went off towards his bedroom. I scoffed and traveled over to mine.

My body shivered as my hand grasped the cold doorknob. I twisted it and opened the door. The room was very elegant and victorian. Grey walls surrounded me, with hints of black and green scattered here and there.

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