twenty one

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elodie phillips

I groaned and stretched as the sunlight started to shine into my room. I mumbled complaints as I turned over, wanting to go back to sleep.

Loud stomps approached my room as the door swung open.

Startled, I shouted, "Merlin! What do you want?"

I heard Malfoy's laugh as he threw a pillow at my head. I cursed under my breath.

"Messing around with me in the morning is a poor choice, Malfoy," I grumbled, turning onto my stomach and smashing my face into my pillow.

"Malfoy's don't sleep in. Mum makes breakfast every morning at 8. It's 8:15."

"Too early," I groaned, not lifting my face from the pillow.

"Sucks. You don't have a choice."

I made a fuss as I slowly got out of bed. Malfoy leaned against the ledge of my doorway. He watched me as I got out of bed and stretched.

"Do you mind?" I snapped. "I'll be down in 5. Just at least let me brush my teeth."

"Fine. 5 minutes," he warned. I rolled my eyes as he smirked and swiftly exited my room. I sulked to my bathroom and flipped on the light. I sighed as I lazily pulled out my brush and ran it through my slightly matted hair.

After brushing my teeth and making myself look somewhat presentable, I threw on some slippers and made my way downstairs. The staircase leading down to the main level was quite magnificent, but it was also very long and tiring to climb up and down.

As I got closer downstairs, mouthwatering smells started to waft through the air. I could smell the sweetness of pancakes and the smokiness of the bacon. I smiled a bit, excited to eat the breakfast Narcissa had made.

"Elodie!" she exclaimed as I became visible. "I made a special breakfast for you! Normally I have our elf help me, but I wanted this one to be perfectly homemade!"

"That's really sweet, Mrs. Malfoy. Thank you."

"Oh, it's nothing!" She rejoiced as she happily flipped pancakes. Her hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail, with sleek blonde strands falling out underneath the dark brown. "And please, call me Narcissa," she added cheerily.

I smiled as I sat down across from Malfoy. Their dining table was fairly long and elegant. Plates were set out at our spots, with a wide range of silverware and other cutlery. Cloth napkins were neatly folded in origami shapes. Mine was folded like a rose.

Malfoy was smiling across the table. "What are you so cheery about?" I asked, wondering if he was up to something.

"Oh nothing," he replied, looking around. "I just realized that since I'm forced to be with you for the next few months, I might as well make it enjoyable for me."

My eyebrow raised slightly. "Meaning?"

"I just realized me being rude to you makes you more irritable."

I scoffed a bit. "Well, you do irritate me," I snapped.

"And as do you," he replied cheekily.

Before our conversation could become any pettier, Narcissa came over with plates of delicious food. Buttermilk pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruits, and yogurts. My mouth watered at the sight and smells.

"Narcissa, this looks amazing," I gaped.

And it was amazing. My stomach was very bloated when I had finished. Full would be an understatement. I was stuffed. I said my thanks and started to head back up the stairs. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to face a grinning Malfoy, who was impatiently standing behind me.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Would you want to finish our tour?" he asked politely. "You walked out on me last time."

"Huh," I said sarcastically. "I wonder how that happened."

"Beats me," he cheekily replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Your kindness is starting to creep me out," I stated.

Malfoy smirked and started walking away. I took that as my sign to follow. I jogged up to him and sighed, looking around me as we walked. The cold gaze from the portraits of Lucius Malfoy followed me as we continued walking through the manor.

"Where's your father?" I asked curiously, hoping it wasn't too personal of a question.

Malfoy stopped for a moment, and his face fell.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized. "I shouldn't have asked."

"Yeah," he replied, his tone now hostile. "And it's none of your fucking business."

"I'm sorry," I repeated, looking down at the ground. My feet moved swiftly as we walked through the hallways. I was never one to shy away, but I was ashamed for asking such a personal question. It was evident that Malfoy wasn't going to open up to me, and that's okay.

The silence was stiffening for a few moments as we made our way to the conservatory. The manor was impressively large, and I was nearly out of breath by the time we reached the top or bottom of any flights of stairs.

The sun shone brightly through the glass room, creating a warm glow. I smiled a bit because this place reminded me of home. It reminded me of my four seasons room, where Cedric and I would spend countless hours. My heart warmed at the bittersweet memories.

"Do you come here often?" I asked Malfoy.

He shook his head. "Not really."

"What's your favorite part of your house?" I questioned curiously.

"I'll show you when you've earned it."

"Earned it?" My eyebrows raised, slightly confused. "How do I do that?"

"Not sure," he replied smugly.

I grumbled and rolled my eyes as I threw myself back onto a leather chair. I looked outside at the garden. It was dark and eerie, yet enchanting at the same time. I looked back at Malfoy, who was leaning against the wall, looking around the room boringly.

After a few more minutes, we left the conservatory and traveled to the rest of the house. It is huge. There are so many rooms, and I'm afraid that I'll still get lost regardless of this tour.

Malfoy and I were traveling down the final flight of stairs as we made our way back to the dining room. Similar to this morning, Narcissa had prepared a whole dinner for all of us.

"Elodie! I almost forgot to tell you. There is a society ball in a few weeks, and I would love for you to come with us!" She announced, not looking up from her cooking.

A ball? I couldn't help but contain my excitement.

"Yes, of course!" I replied ecstatically.

"Wonderful darling," Narcissa replied as she started to wash her hands. "It's for high-profile purebloods, and your family fits right into that."

I felt myself go red at the cheeks at this comment. I had never seen myself as a high-profile pure blood. My family is fortunate to have the riches that we have, but I had never seen myself as "high-profile" because of this.

"Time to eat!" She exclaimed once more. We all sat down at the dining table and began to eat.

Gosh sorry, this chapter is so bad and useless, so my apologies. Let me know what you guys think though! I love hearing all of your feedback.

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QOTD: Biggest fear?

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