forty two

591 16 104

elodie phillips

I woke up, startled and scared, on the back of a broomstick. My stomach dropped as I looked down, confused as to why I woke up so high in the air.

A head of purple hair blew in front of me, and it seemed that a spell kept me planted to the broom. I chose not to say anything.

"You're finally awake," the woman spoke, turning her head back at me. "I thought you might've been gone for good."

"What happened? And who are you?" I asked, the throbbing sensation returning in my head.

"I'm Tonks. I came with the rest of the Order to save you and your friends. That was a dumb move, you know. Brave, but dumb."

I gave a small groan of agreement as I sat up. The wind stirred my hair. Unfortunately, it couldn't blow away the pain and trauma that I went through tonight.

Then it all came back to me. My father, laying on the ground, in a death eater's robes. My breath started to quicken as I thought about it. I mean, it couldn't be true. My father was a good man.

He wasn't a monster.

He must be a spy or something undercover.

"You're in pretty bad shape," Tonks continued, steering the broom towards the left. "All bruised and bloodied. I'm sorry about your father."

Without saying anything in reply, tears started to stream down my face. I wrapped my arms around Tonks even tighter, crying into her back.

"Let it out," she reassured.

I liked her.

I cried for the remainder of the ride, and soon enough, we were back on Hogwarts grounds. The same lights were flickering just how they were earlier tonight.

"Thank you," I told Tonks, wiping off any tears I had left.

"You're a fighter," she replied, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I can see it in you."

I smiled a bit, not saying anything as she got back onto her broom.

"I'll see you again," Tonks smiled. She kicked off from the ground, pushing herself up into the air where she joined the rest of the Order. I watched the group fly away together into the night.

I limped through the empty hallways of the school, not knowing what happened with the rest of the DA.

My head was pounding, my legs were sore, and I was covered in bruises and blood. I felt a cut on my arm, and I had no idea where it came from. I must've passed out after seeing my father.

I couldn't even deal with that right now. I just needed to get back and lay down. I didn't know what was true anymore.

After long minutes of sulking and limping, I found myself at the entrance to the Slytherin common room. I murmured the password, and the door swung open.

The fire was lit, and that familiar blonde stood in front of it, his back to the door.

"Lola," he started, not even turning to see if it was me. Somehow, he knew. "Where have you been?"

I coughed a bit, and my lungs burnt as I did so. I didn't move from the doorway, not even knowing what to say.

I realized what I had done. I had lied to Draco again.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"Goddamnit Lola!" Draco shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. I could tell that he was trying his best not to punch anything.

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