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elodie phillips

After weeks of research, Cedric and I decided that the best charm to help him was the bubble-head charm. It forms a bubble around the caster's mouth and nose, creating a mask that keeps a steady amount of oxygen inside. It was perfect. Cedric would have no problem staying under for an hour. Besides, there weren't many other options. It was difficult to find charms to help us in this task.

The chatter about the tournament rose in the corridors once again, as it always does before a task. As usual, my stomach began to flip as my nerves got the best of me. Dark thoughts flooded my mind, assuming that the worst was going to happen. I tried to shake them off, but they never went away. Not until he came out safe.

Cedric and I tried to think of what the merpeople could take from us. We had nothing. We figured no one else knew either. Nevertheless, we were prepared. Cedric was far more concerned about something else, which was a victory. He had come up short in the first task, which put him in second place. Second place was good, but not good enough for Cedric.

The faster the tasks happened, the better. I am ready for Cedric to be done with this tournament. It will take a load of anxiety and stress off of my chest.

"I'll be alright, Ellie," Cedric sighed as I stood with him in his dorm, making my last preparations.

"I know," I replied. " You know me. I'll always be worried about you."

"You sound like my mum."

I laughed as I ruffled his hair a bit. I took a good look at Cedric, wishing that his safety would be guaranteed. I couldn't help but admire him for a moment.

"Blimey. You're acting like you're never going to see me again," he laughed out.

"Ugh, I'm sorry!" I sighed. Cedric slowly walked towards me and pulled me into his arms. I melted into his embrace, taking in every moment. He gently ran his fingers through my hair as he deeply inhaled. A few more moments like this until he let go.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked quietly. I nodded, and we got bundled into our winter coats. The days were getting warmer, but not by much. Once again, I shivered as we left the warm common room. I don't think I'll ever get used to the cold corridors.

Chatter buzzed around us as students made their way to the Black Lake. We stumbled down the uneven dirt path to the docks. The crisp air brushed my face, causing a red tint to form around my nose and cheeks. The Weasley twins, like they always do, were excitedly shouting and asking students to place bets. I'm not close with them, but I do love seeing them around.

I took a deep breath once more as we neared the dock. Everything was going to be fine. Cedric certainly wasn't going to drown. We had that matter sorted out. I shivered as we stepped onto the dock. I looked up at the giant clock that hung over everyone. We had ten minutes until the task started.

Cedric took off his coat and handed it to me. His eyes glinted with excitement, and I could tell he felt confident in himself. Why couldn't I be confident in him too?

Before we knew it, there were two minutes until the task started. Cedric jumped up and down in his spot on the dock, trying to warm up. As the announcements started, he turned to me, smiling slightly.

I couldn't help myself. I jumped into his arms, kissing him hard. I couldn't care less that it was in front of everyone. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pushed myself into him. I needed this. The kiss was everything I needed to reassure me that everything would be alright.

I heard Professor McGonagall gasp as I pulled away. Was it too much? She turned to Dumbledore and hastily whispered.

"It has already been done," I heard Dumbledore calmly reply. With that, the cannon boomed once more, and the task had begun. Flashing a quick smile at me, Cedric formed a bubble around his mouth and dove into the water.

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