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"How much do you want to bet that Diggory gets burned alive today, Phillips?"

elodie phillips

The date is November 24th. The first task is taking place today, and my stomach was doing cartwheels. I could barely focus on any of my classes, and my leg was anxiously bouncing up and down throughout the day. Although Cedric was informed of the task ahead of time, he still had no idea what to do with that information. He and I studied dragons relentlessly every night in our common rooms. We studied their behavior, defense tactics, and whatever you could imagine about dragons.

"I'm nervous, Ellie," Cedric confessed as we walked down the corridors together. He was clutching his books very close to his chest.

I looked up at him and smiled softly. "I'm nervous too, but I know you can do this. You're more than capable."

"Thank you, Ellie," Cedric said, turning down to give me a soft peck.

"Besides, I'll be with you until the very moment you're about to go. You'll have me by your side until the very start."

"That's reassuring," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "We've studied so much. There's no way I can be thrown off guard."

"Exactly," I replied. "I have to go to charms now. I'll see you later."

Cedric nodded and mouthed "I love you" to me as I turned into my classroom. I sighed deeply as I pulled out my textbook and turned to the lesson. Today I was partnered up with Hermione, so I didn't have to focus on the assignment too much.

Pansy and Blaise tried to calm me down. The first task was coming up in just under two hours, and I couldn't seem to relax. Haunting thoughts flooded my head; What if something happens? What if he gets hurt? What if he knocks his head and slips into a coma? What if he woke up from that coma but isn't able to remember me?

Some of them are unlikely, I'm aware, but I was worried for Cedric.

"Elodie, he'll be okay," Blaise reassured as Pansy held my hand. We were sitting in the common room, and I was sprawled out on the black leather couch. My breathing was heavy, and my heart was beating fast.

I love Pansy and Blaise. I am always such a drama queen, but they are always ready to help me. Except, in this case, I think I have every right to be nervous. As I was starting to settle down, I heard swift footsteps enter the common room.

"Draco, you better n-"

"How much do you want to bet that Diggory gets burned alive today, Phillips?"

What a fucking prick. I adored Pansy for sticking up for me, but Malfoy always has to get in some snide remark. "Malfoy, I'm trying to calm down right now. As much as I love them, I don't need your comments right now," I snarkily spat at him.

"I'm glad you enjoy them as much as I do," he answered smugly. "See you at the stadium."

I huffed as I slammed back down onto the sofa, running my fingers through my hair. I heard the portrait door swing shut as Malfoy finally left. That boy had some nerve.


The weather was as dreary as it had been all week. Clouds swooped low in the sky, and grey was the only color you could see. I could hear the chatter of students outside the tent, but I couldn't focus.

"Ellie, can you please stop pacing? You're making me nervous," Cedric asked.

I quickly stopped and smiled at Cedric. "I'm sorry, my love. I've just been so anxious."

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