fifty five

443 12 71

elodie phillips

Without a chance to get comfortable, I heard footsteps pound on the staircase coming from the dorms. My heart filled with excitement.

Pansy was flying down them, her short jet-black hair waving. Her eyes were bright, and she had the same smile that I always remembered.

"Holy fucking shit!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. "I can't believe you're here!"

"I sent you a letter Pans," I replied, smiling into the hug. "And you answered, so it couldn't have been that big of a surprise."

"Oh?" Pansy gasped, pulling out of the hug and placing her hands on my shoulders. "I didn't know they taught being a smart ass at Beauxbatons."

"You would think they do," Adi chimed in, slowly walking towards us. "Hi! I'm Adi, and this is Kai."

She pointed towards Kai, who straightened his posture and fixed his hair.

"Forgive me," he started smoothly. "Apparation is a new thing for me." He walked towards Pansy and gently took her hand, kissing it softly. His eyes darted towards mine, and a small smirk rose on his lips.


"Oui, Oui!" Pansy exclaimed. I laughed. Of course, she would get a kick out of that, she loves a man with class.

Everything looked the same. I had only been gone for half of a school year, but still, there was something different in the atmosphere.

"Gosh," I sighed, looking around. "It's been how long?"

"6 months, 3 weeks, and 5 days, but who's counting?" Blaise remarked, walking briskly down the stairs.

"Blaise!" I exclaimed, pulling him into an embrace as he approached me. His hand gently rubbed my back, and I could feel his happiness spread to me.

"I've missed you so much, Elodie," he sighed, pulling me in tighter.

I smiled, squeezing him back before letting him go.

"Blaise, this is Adi and Kai, they're my friends from Beauxbatons."

I motioned towards the pair, who were still talking to Pansy. Adi and Pansy were already comparing their nails as Kai looked bored.

"Really?" Adi remarked, holding Pansy's hand. "Who knew the nail witches were so much better here? Look at her nails, Kai! Aren't they gorgeous?"

"That's surprising," Blaise remarked. "I thought we'd be the only friends you make."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Whatever, Blaise, go meet them." I shoved him towards Kai and Adi. He gave me a little smile before joining them.

Marcus came strolling down a bit later, his hair a mess. He still dressed as formally as I remembered.

"Sorry Ellie, I slept in a bit," he apologized as he gently hugged me. His embrace was soft and warm.

"I don't blame you, Marcus. How have you been?" I asked quietly. 

He smiled at me. "I've gotten better, for sure. And yourself?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" I asked in reply, smiling back.

"You seem a bit different," he observed.

I gave an awkward laugh, grabbing his hand. "Well, Marcus, there's been a lot that has happened lately. It's hard not to be a little different, you know?"

He gently nodded, squeezing my hand.

"Are those your friends over there?" he asked curiously, motioning towards the corner of the room.

"Yeah," I replied warmly. "That's Adi and Kai from Beauxbatons. I'm sure you'll love them."

I felt a small tap on my shoulder as Pansy approached me.

"Hey girl," she whispered. "He's upstairs."

"Thanks, Pans," I replied, my heart beginning to beat faster. I gave her and Marcus a quick embrace once more and began to walk up the stairs.

Who knew that stairs could hold so many memories?

As I traced the railing, I remembered walking down them for the Yule Ball. I remembered sneaking back to my room after the DA. I remembered climbing them with Draco's lips on mine.

As the thought of Draco entered my mind, I noticed my steps becoming quicker and quicker. I even skipped a few steps.

I could practically see him. The perfectly loose yet styled platinum hair. Those bright grey eyes that held so many stories. Those slender hands that always found themselves entwined with mine.

My breaths became heavy as I started to approach the door that I knew all too well. Was I nervous, or did I just run up a flight of stairs?

Either way, I closed my eyes and quickly exhaled. I fixed my hair and smacked my lips.

I knocked on the door. It felt like the single knock echoed forever.

I knocked again, and it echoed once more.

I took my hand off of the handle as it started to twist underneath my grasp.

I put on my best smile as the door gently opened.

And there he was.

He grew older.

His pale hands fidgeted with his sleeve, and his jaw was tense. His lips were paper-thin, and he seemed scared to open them. His eyes were still that same grey, but they held more stories than I remembered. The darkness underneath his eyes was more prominent than usual. He was tired, and he was beaten down.

What happened to my Draco?

Without warning, he threw his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him, and every part of him that touched me made me feel alive again.

With him, it was summer again. We were running around free, without the emotional burdens we carried now.

I closed my eyes and embraced him even stronger. A smile grew on my face as tears welled in my eyes.

I was home.

I heard his voice waver as he finally spoke.


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