fifty nine

446 11 126

elodie phillips

I was confused as Draco stormed into the astronomy tower. What could be so urgent that he can't join his friends for a while?

I motioned a small wave to everyone as Draco tugged on my arm. He gripped it tightly as I stood up and followed him out.

"Draco," I mumbled. "Your grip is too tight."

His eyes darted to my arm, and his hands loosened. "I'm sorry," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was stressed.

I wanted to ask him what was going on, but his eyes were frantic and his breathing erratic.

"Did you really beat up Kai?" I asked, looking up at him. We quickly turned a corner, heading down another long corridor.

Draco rolled his eyes. "He deserved it."

"Draco, you can't just beat up my friends."

"I'm aware, Elodie," he snapped back, his voice laced with harshness. "But I could really care less about your friends right now."

I stepped in front of Draco, holding out my hands to stop him. "Draco, what is going on?"

He took a deep breath and grabbed my hands. He fumbled with them, and I noticed the slight shake that was taking over him.

"You just got here," Draco started, his face dropping. "And now-"

"And now what, Draco?" I asked, my heart crumbling inside of me.

"Your parents are here."

My stomach dropped. My heart raced with fear and I could feel a nervous panic take control of me.

"They're what?" I asked, enunciating each word.

Maybe I misheard him. They can't be here, there's no way.

"They are in Dumbledore's office. They're here to take you home."

I let go of Draco's hands and placed mine on my head. I paced the empty corridor, which was now filled with a thick silence. I could hear my heart thump quickly.

"I can't go in there, Draco. I can't."

"I don't know what to do, Lola," Draco softly spoke, his voice breaking.

I looked at the boy, who stood lifeless ahead of me. Neither of us had nothing we could do. His heart broke with me, I could see it in his eyes.

That small glimmer that ignited when I saw him had extinguished.

draco malfoy


The moment I got her back, she was gone again. I wanted to tell her how much I needed her to stay. I wanted to tell her how much I depended on her presence.

She was the one thing that is keeping me from crumbling completely.

"Just take me to my parents," Lola sighed in defeat.

I took her hand in mine and gently squeezed it.

We took our time walking to Dumbledore's office. Our last moments together, spent in silence and sorrow.

"I mean, what's the worst they could do?" I asked Lola, trying to make her positive.

"Homeschool me. Kill me. I don't fucking know," she sighed.

After what felt like a lifetime, the golden gargoyle was staring at us. Taunting us.

"When will I see you again?" I asked as Lola turned to face me. Her hands were still interlocked with mine.

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