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elodie phillips


I was in an open field, with stalks of grain encircling me on every side. A voice was calling me from across the plain. I walked through the grasses, feeling the breeze brush my face.

The air was warm, and my skin was kissed by the sun. It shone down on me with a comforting light.


I heard the voice again. I looked around, trying to discover the source. The voice echoed around me, the wind carrying it through the open sky.

Then I spotted him. His brown waves were gently blowing. I couldn't believe it. There was a golden glow radiating off of him.

"C-Cedric?" I stuttered. When there was no response, I started running towards the figure. My breaths were shaky as my feet pounded into the ground, leaving footprints in the dirt. "Cedric!"

The figure turned around, and I was gazing into his warm grey eyes. He looked happy. He looked calm. I threw my arms around him, sobbing into his chest. I could feel his arms once again. I felt him.

"I'm home, Ellie."

"You're what?" I asked, wiping my tears from under my eyes.

"I'm home," he repeated calmly. He smiled at me and brushed my hair behind my ear. A chill ran down my spine.

Before I could ask him what he meant, a harsh wind blew across the field. Cedric slowly started to whisk away, his body becoming more transparent by the second. Aspects of him started to blow away, starting with his feet. I panicked.

"No, Cedric. Cedric please stay."

"I have to go, Ellie."

I tried to grab him, but my hands felt right through his ghostly figure. "No, stay!" I shouted. I became frustrated. I couldn't touch him. He was leaving me, again. He gave me one last smile before his head fully disappeared.

I shot up from my bed, my breaths fast. I was overheated, and my body was covered in sweat. I turned to my side to grab my glass of water that I kept on my bedside table.

My head was throbbing, my stomach was growling, and my pillowcase was soaked with tears.

The night was the hardest time for me. There was nothing to distract me anymore. It was just me, laying in bed with all of my dreadful thoughts. Sometimes, they got the best of me.

It was hard to fall asleep. I kept trying to, but it was impossible.

But Elodie, if you go to sleep you can see him.

Cedric appeared to me in my dreams. I got to see him again.

Waking up is the worst part. Every night, I have to tell him goodbye once more. I have to let him go again.

I pulled my hair back and wiped my neck, which was sticky from sweat. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I wasn't going to see Cedric again. My dreams were nothing but fantasy.

I wish I could live in my dreams.

As I slowly lay back down, I heard a faint noise coming from the floor below me. I lay in silence, trying to hear it once more. A gentle melody was wafting through the house.

I got out of bed and slowly stepped towards my door. I creaked it open, and the melody was louder. I quietly exited my room and walked down the stairs. The cold flooring froze my feet.

I didn't quite know where I was going, given the fact I walked out on my "tour". I turned multiple corners, the melody getting louder with each step. I fumbled my way through the dark hallways, brushing my hand along the walls.

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