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elodie phillips

A snake-like voice was the only thing I could hear. I was in dark hedges, and I turned around frantically as I watched shadows circle me.

My breaths quickened, and my vision blurred. I couldn't follow these shadows any longer. There were too many, and they were too fast.

Finally, the voice cut through again, sharper than glass, and the shadows ceased.

"Elodie, remember your roots."

The shadows started back up again, circling me, picking up wind and dust along the way.

"Think of how you could reach your full potential."

Before I could respond, an ear-splitting shriek pounded through my head, sending chills down my spine.

I jerked up and let out a sigh of relief as I felt my soft sheets. I was safe.

My nightmares had started ever since the ministry of magic. Only this time, they weren't about Cedric leaving me. These were different, but I didn't understand what they could mean.

"Is she alright?" a soft voice asked, breaking me out of my trance.

I looked up, seeing Kai and Adi huddled around my bed.

"Merlin's fuck!" I exclaimed, defensively jumping back. "You guys scared me."

"You scared us, girl," Adi explained, sitting on the edge of my bed. "We heard you screaming from down the hall."

"That's okay," Kai smirked. "I like screamers."

"Get your head out of the fucking gutter, Kai," Adi snapped, shoving his shoulder. "Not everything needs to be turned into some perverted comment."

His gaze fell on me. I was reminded of his fingertips on my bare skin. It was a hazy memory, but enough to bring goosebumps on my arms.

Think of Draco. You love him.

Shit that makes you sad, stop thinking of Draco.

I don't know what to fucking think anymore.

Once again, Adi snapped me out of my trance. "Are you okay? Headache? You were pretty wasted yesterday."

"Yeah," I replied. "Yeah, I think I'm okay. I just had a nightmare, that's all."

"It must've been bad if you were screaming that loud."

"I have a complicated history with nightmares. It's fine, really," I laughed awkwardly.

Kai and Adi exchanged glances as if they were giving each other a signal. Adi gently leaned forward, and Kai joined her in sitting at the foot of my bed.

They are going to prod.

"What helped get rid of those nightmares?" Adi questioned, an innocent look on her face.

My answer was Draco, obviously, but I didn't want to seem so dependent. I stuttered, struggling to find an answer.

"An answer please," Kai snapped. "I want to be able to sleep."

"You're not helping," Adi sneered.

"I mean-" I started. Kai and Adi leaned in even farther, impatiently waiting for my answer. "I got them bad after Cedric died, and Draco helped me through it."

I wish I wasn't so open.

Adi's face lit up. "Perfect!" she exclaimed. "So all you need is someone to wake up to, or check in on you."

"I don't need a babysitter," I replied slowly.

"Good," Kai sighed. "Because I'm not babysitting."

"No one said you have to," I remarked.

"Merlin, why are you so bitter this morning?" Adi huffed at the same time.

Kai did nothing but roll his eyes. It was so hard to understand him. He was so quick to complain, but also was weirdly protective?

I can't find a reason why he would do that.

"Well," Adi concluded. "We'll keep- or at least I will keep an eye on you, just to make sure you're okay."

"Thanks, Adi," I replied, giving a slight smile.

I wonder if I should tell her that it would be no use. She's not Draco, and Kai is not Draco. I would never feel as safe as I did with him.

But I still smiled and thanked her for caring.

They left me to get changed into my uniform before classes started for the day.

Once more, I slipped into the same blue uniform dress. Every day was starting to blend into one another. Same uniform, same classes, same people, same conversations.

I faced the mirror in my bathroom, fixing my earrings. I met my eyes and took a second to look into them.

Even I could tell that I've changed. I mean, how could they stay the same after everything that's happened?

I sighed and decided not to think about it for too long. What's happened has happened.

I walked over to my desk, making sure I had all of my papers. I gently picked up the tote bag hanging on the side of my chair, filled with books that will be useless to me in five years.

Two years. I have to remind myself of that. I only have two more years left of schooling here, and then I'm free to find Draco and travel across the world with him. I can be free from the grip of my family and their obsessive need for a good image.

I could hear Adi and Kai gently talking out in the hall, waiting for me. It did make me a little happy that I had found friends. It was nice being able to adapt and reconstruct myself.

I walked towards my door, ready to experience the same day I had yesterday. Same shit, different day. Same shit, except I, can't tell Pansy about it. Same shit, but I'm doing it by myself.

Before I could feel sorry for myself any longer, I heard a gentle tap and thud on my window. I turned around quickly, my hair spinning behind me.

It couldn't be.

I looked outside my window, seeing the all too familiar eagle owl fluttering outside. It gave me a small hoot as I opened the door.

I felt just like my old self again as a shot of glee spread through my heart.

"Ulysses!" I exclaimed, petting the owl's wings. "Do you have something for me?"

The bold owl dropped a small envelope in my hands, which I ripped open immediately.

In that same beautiful handwriting, although this time very hastily, Draco wrote:

Dear Elodie,

I love you. Please, don't forget that.



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